I. The Rout of Saul’s Forces II. The Aftermath of Saul’s Defeat III. The Recovery of Saul’s Body
I. The Sin II. The Judgment
I. The Desperation of Saul II. The Appearance of Samuel III. The Effect on Saul
I. Confession Is Better Than Excuses II. Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifices III. Repentance Is Better Than Keeping up Appearances
I. Samuel’s Message II. Saul’s Disobedience III. Jehovah’s Repentance
I. The Oath Itself II. Its Sad Consequences III. Its Persistent Curse
I. Our Gracious Helper II. Our Unslumbering Preserver
I. The Unpromising Situation II. The Brave Assault III. The Great Rout
I. The Meaning II. The Warning III. The Calling