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I. The Desperate Circumstances II. The Disobedient King III. The Degraded Israelites

Desiring God’s House

17 December 2006
I. The Longing II. The Journey III. The Prayer
I. The Meaning of It II. The Assurance of It III. The Comfort of It
I. The Integrity of Samuel II. The Faithfulness of Jehovah III. The Calling of Israel


3 December 2006
I. The Charge II. The Cause III. The Calling

Daniel’s Night Vision

26 November 2006
I. The Kingdoms of the Beasts II. The Kingdom of the Saints
I. The Ammonite Challenge II. The Great Victory III. The Renewed Kingship
I. The Address of Samuel II. The Choice of Saul III. The Response of Israel
I. The Spirit Who Witnesses II. The Witness He Bears III. The Witness We Bear

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