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Grow in Grace!

12 March 2006
I. The Meaning II. The Means III. The Motivation
I. The Meaning II. The Results III. The Calling  
I. The Three Graces II. The Abiding Graces III. The Greatest of the Graces
I. The Biblical Teaching II. The Necessary Implication III. The Vital Calling
I. The Meaning II. The Illustrations

Elders Apt to Teach

26 February 2006
I. The Office II. The Ability III. The Lessons
I. The Contrast II. The Goal III. The Calling

Victory in the Lion’s Den

5 February 2006
I. What It Is II. Why this Way III. With What End
I. Love Covers All Things II. Love Believes All Things III. Love Hopes All Things IV. Love Endures All Things   John Calvin: “Love believeth all things—not that the Christian…

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