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I. The Valuation of All Other Things II. The Valuation of Christ  
I. Spiritual Worship II. Christian Boasting III. No Fleshly Confidence  
I. The Meaning II. The Necessity III. The Joy
I. The Content of This Confession II. The Making of This Confession III. The Blessedness of This Confession
I. Who He Is II. Our Marriage to Him III. The Worship We Bring Him  
I. The Place of our Birth II. The Place of our Springs  
I. A Well Founded City II. A Dearly Beloved City  
I. The Meaning II. The Comfort  
I. His Word II. His Counsel III. His Protection
I. The Object of Christ’s Reconciliation II. The Meaning of Christ’s Reconciliation III. The Origin of Christ’s Reconciliation  

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