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All Things Are Ours

4 January 2004
I. What Is Ours II. Why They Are Ours III. What Is Our Response  
I. The Rule II. The Exception  
I. The Meaning II. The Application  
I. A Wicked Request II. A Persistent Complaint III. A Just Refusal
I. The Combatants II. The Battle III. The Victory

I. The Shining II. The Veiling III. The Fading
I. The Promise Reaffirmed II. The Precepts Repeated III. The Decalogue Reprinted

Children as Arrows

16 November 2003
I. Prepared Arrows II. Powerful Arrows III. Blessed Arrows
I. His Face Is Unseen II. His Name Is Proclaimed III. His Servant Is Prostrate

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