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I. Whom Wilt Thou Send With Me? II. Wilt Thou Not Go With Us? III. Show Me Thy Glory!

Calvin Versus Pighius

31 October 2003

I. The Humbling Revelation II. The Necessary Separation III. The Covenant Communion
I. Moses’ Mediation II. Jehovah’s Answer  
I. Moses’ Godly Anger II. Aaron’s Feeble Excuses III. The Levites’ Righteous Slaughter
I. God’s Evaluation II. Moses’ Intercession III. God’s Repentance
I. The Reasons of the People II. The Compromise of Aaron
I. The Meaning II. The Barrier III. The Judgment  
Don't miss the rest of the debate (1) Dr. Richard Mouw Presents Affirmative Arguments (2) Prof. David Engelsma Presents Negative Arguments (3) The Two Debaters Present Their Rebuttals

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