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Article 37 THE LAST JUDGMENT Finally, we believe, according to the Word of God, when the time appointed by the Lord (which is unknown to all creatures) is come, and…
I. The Theological Basis II. The Personal Conviction
I. The Agent II. The Blessings III. The Exhortation
E. J. Young on Daniel 2:28: "'It [i.e., the latter days] is a phrase that belongs to the field of eschatology and contains the note of epochal finality' (Vos). It…
I. Both Are Required II. Both Are Parts of Each Other III. Both Flow From Each Other

David’s One Desire

18 April 2021
I. What It Is II. How He Sought It III. Why He Sought It
Belgic Confession 37 THE LAST JUDGMENT Finally, we believe, according to the Word of God, when the time appointed by the Lord (which is unknown to all creatures) is come,…
I. Others’ Possessions II. Lawful Necessities III. Law Breaking

God’s Nearness

11 April 2021
I. According to the False Prophets II. According to God’s Word
Chris Arnzen interviews Prof. David J. Engelsma about his 2-volume commentary on the Belgic Confession. Both volume 1 and volume 2 are available from the CPRC Bookstore. Those in N.…

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