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I. Illustrated II. Explained III. Important
Article 36: Of Magistrates. We believe that our gracious God, because of the depravity of mankind, hath appointed kings, princes, and magistrates, willing that the world should be governed by certain…
I. He Rules II. He Fights III. He Judges  
I. He Suffers for a Good Cause II. He Knows the One He Believes III. He Is Persuaded of His Keeping Power
I. In Terms of Space II. In Terms of His Two Natures III. In Terms of Its Benefits  
I. Its Beautiful Meaning II. Its Rich Applications
I. Regarding Hearing II. Regarding Impartiality III. Regarding Fear  

Rulers in God’s Israel

6 September 2020
I. The Various Offices II. The Key Elements
I. Disturbing Reality II. Gracious Purpose III. Exclusive Trust  
I. Distracted By What? II. Distracted From What? III. Distracted Why?

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