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I. What It Means II. What It Evinces III. How It Profits
I. The Temptation to Be Ashamed II. The Reasons Not to Be Ashamed III. The Opposite of Being Ashamed  
I. Why Is It Necessary? II. Is There Wrath in It? III. Should We Desire It? Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 16 Q. 40.  Why was it necessary for Christ to humble…
I. Who Suffered? II. Suffered What? III. Suffered Under Whom?  
I. The Nature of the Gift II. The Calling Regarding the Gift III. The Reasons for the Calling  
I. The Same Divine Service as the Forefathers II. The Same Unfeigned Faith Through the Generations  
I. His Beloved Son II. His Spiritual Benediction III. His Fond Remembrances
I. What Her Blessedness Is Not II. What Her Blessedness Is  
I. The Rich Meaning of the Call II. The Divine Means of the Call III. The Blessed Direction of the Call
I. Its Rich Meaning II. Its Eternal Source  

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