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I. Daniel’s Options II. Daniel’s Actions III. Daniel’s Detection
I. The Object of Faith II. The Activity of Faith III. The Bond of Faith
I. His Propitiation II. His Provision III. His Mediation
I. Its Political Occasion II. Its Evil Motivation III. Its Antichristian Application  
I. Satisfaction by Oneself? II. Satisfaction by Another  
I. Daniel’s Brief Promotion to the Purple II. Belshazzar’s Swift Slaughter by the Invaders III. Darius’ Historical Reception of the Kingdom Babylonian Emperors Nabopolassar (Nabu-apal-usur) - founder of the Neo-Babylonian…
I. The Cryptic Writing II. The True Interpretation III. The Wider Application  
I. As to the Law II. As to the Gospel
I. Nebuchadnezzar as Belshazzar’s Father II. Nebuchadnezzar as Belshazzar’s Warning III. Nebuchadnezzar as Belshazzar’s Example  
I. The Introduction of the Prophet Daniel II. The Pattern in the Book of Daniel

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