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I. What Happens When We Do Not Pray for Forgiveness II. What Happens When We Do Pray for Forgiveness III. The Blessedness of Those Who Pray for Forgiveness  
I. His Prostration Before the Prophet Daniel II. His Praise to the God of Gods III. His Promotion of Daniel and His Three Friends  
Article 36: Of Magistrates. We believe that our gracious God, because of the depravity of mankind, hath appointed kings, princes, and magistrates, willing that the world should be governed by certain…
I. The Awesome Image II. The Amazing Stone  
I. Taught in Messianic Prophecy II. Reinforced by Jesus Christ III. Rich With Practical Implication
Article 36: Of Magistrates. We believe that our gracious God, because of the depravity of mankind, hath appointed kings, princes, and magistrates, willing that the world should be governed by certain…
I. The Disciples’ Need II. The Saviour’s Coming III. The Disciples’ Response  
I. The Impossible Need II. The Miraculous Provision III. The Spiritual Significance  
Article 36: Of Magistrates. We believe that our gracious God, because of the depravity of mankind, hath appointed kings, princes, and magistrates, willing that the world should be governed by certain…
I. Blessed by Daniel II. Proclaimed to Nebuchadnezzar  

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