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Coming to the Living Stone

22 December 2019
I. The Meaning II. The Transformation  
I. Visiting the Fatherless and Widows II. Keeping Unspotted From the World III. Manifesting the Life of Regeneration
Article 36: Of Magistrates. We believe that our gracious God, because of the depravity of mankind, hath appointed kings, princes, and magistrates, willing that the world should be governed by certain…
I. The Unbridled Tongue II. The Deceived Heart III. The Contextual Rationale  
I. The Meaning II. The Elaboration
I. Where He Dwells II. With Whom He Dwells
I. The Forgetful Hearer II. The Non-Forgetful Hearer  
Article 36: Of Magistrates. We believe that our gracious God, because of the depravity of mankind, hath appointed kings, princes, and magistrates, willing that the world should be governed by certain…
I. The Works of God II. The Knowledge of God III. The Glory of God  
I. An Activity Clearly Presupposed II. An Activity Explicitly Commanded III. An Activity Warned Against

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