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I. What? II. Where? III. For Whom?  
I. The Meaning II. The Manner III. The Purpose  
I. His Unbounded Ability II. His Assuring Testimony III. Our Eternal Doxology  

The Burnt Offering

6 June 2019

Interview with Chris Arzen on "Iron Sharpens Iron" Radio Programme. For more on Gottschalk, listen to Rev. Stewart's lecture "Gottschalk: Medieval Confessor of God's Absolute Sovereignty" or read the book…
I. A Profound Reality II. A Striking Example III. A Necessary Conjunct  

The Reproof of Life

2 June 2019
I. The Refusing of It II. The Receiving of It III. The Blessing of It  
I. What It Must Not Stand Upon II. What It Must Stand Upon  
I. The Carnal Motivations II. The Spiritual Motivations  

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