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Is the Law Sin?

28 April 2019
I. The Provocative Question II. The Surprising Answer

Delivered From the Law

28 April 2019
I. The Meaning II. The Necessity III. The Purpose
A written form of this lecture with some minor changes is also on-line under the same title, "The Canons as the Original Five Points of Calvinism."


21 April 2019
I. What II. How III. Why

Scripture Twisting

21 April 2019
I. The Scriptures II. The Twisting III. The Destruction  

I. What Will Be Received II. How It Will Be Received III. Who Will Receive It  
Article 35: The Holy Supper of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe and confess that our Savior Jesus Christ did ordain and institute the sacrament of the holy supper to…

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