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I. The Meaning II. The Manner III. The Incentive  
I. The Profound Meaning II. The Rival Claimants III. The Difficult Calling  
Article 34: Holy Baptism. We believe and confess that Jesus Christ, who is the end of the law, hath made an end, by the shedding of His blood, of all…
I. The Prophesied Time II. The Ceremonial Imagery III. The Implied Calling  
I. Know Them II. Esteem Them III. Be at Peace Among Yourselves  
Article 34: Holy Baptism. We believe and confess that Jesus Christ, who is the end of the law, hath made an end, by the shedding of His blood, of all…

I. In What We Glory II. Glorying as We Embrace its Two-Fold Effect III. Glorying Because of its Glorious Fruit
I. A Great Need II. A Word That Astonished III. An Amazing Grace Displayed

Whosoever Will, Let Him Come

30 September 2018
I. Good News for Poor Sinners II. What's True of Those So Willing III. A Great Word of Hope

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