I. Unto Whom? II. How? III. Where?
I. The Terrible Need for Satisfaction II. The Proposed Providers of Satisfaction III. The True Provider of Satisfaction
I. The Two Parties II. The Basic Relationship III. The Unashamed Naming
I. God’s Goal for His People II. God’s Perfection of Jesus III. God’s Lordship Over All
I. The Meaning II. The Judgment III. The Calling
I. What They Are II. What This Teaches Regarding Man III. What This Teaches Regarding God
I. What We See II. Where We See III. How We See
I. The Clothing Examined II. The Clothing Worn III. The Clothing Obtained
I. Its Recipients II. Its Content III. Its Purpose
I. The Work of God II. Our Consideration of It III. God’s Purpose in It