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I. Through Their Church Discipline II. By Their Repentance III. In That Day
I. In Terms of the Stages in the Levitical Offerings II. In Terms of the Kinds of the Levitical Offerings  
I. Its Significance in the Old Testament II. Its Context in Zechariah III. Its Fulfilment in Christ
I. Its General Characteristics II. Its Gospel Commission III. Its Prophetic Basis  
I. The Biblical Identity II. The Mutual Relationship III. The Spiritual Mourning
I. The Terrible Opponents II. The Compelling Reasons III. The Important Implications  
I. The Destruction of the Enemy II. The Unity of the People
I. The Creator II. The Provider III. The Turner  
I. Its Three Parts II. Its Significance  
I. The Meaning II. The Limitation III. The Motivation  

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