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I. The World’s Ethics II. The Christian’s Ethics  
Article 34: Holy Baptism. We believe and confess that Jesus Christ, who is the end of the law, hath made an end, by the shedding of His blood, of all…
I. Its Object II. Its Impossibility III. Its Support
Article 34: Holy Baptism. We believe and confess that Jesus Christ, who is the end of the law, hath made an end, by the shedding of His blood, of all…
I. David Turns to Jonathan II. Jonathan Helps David III. Jonathan Petitions David
I. Jonathan’s Dilemma II. Jonathan’s Approach III. Jonathan’s Success
Article 33: The Sacraments. We believe that our gracious God, on account of our weakness and infirmities, hath ordained the sacraments for us, thereby to seal unto us His promises,…
I. What It Is II. The Manifestation III. The Benefit of Knowing This

A Thorn in the Flesh

5 November 2017
I. What It Is II. The Request for Its Removal III. The Purpose of It

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