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I. What It Was II. How Possible III. With What Incentive  

Created Unto Good Works

29 October 2017
I. Our Creation II. The Purpose in Good Works III. Our Walk in Good Works  

I. In the Church II. In the Home III. In the World

The Origin of Scripture

22 October 2017
I. The Divine Origin II. The Miraculous Manner III. The Fundamental Significance  
I. The Real Issue in the Temptation of Jesus II. The Gracious Verdict of the Judge III. The Manifestation of the Saviour of Sinners  

Article 33: The Sacraments. We believe that our gracious God, on account of our weakness and infirmities, hath ordained the sacraments for us, thereby to seal unto us His promises,…
I. Whom Are You Serving? II. How Are You Serving? III. Why Are You Serving?  

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