I. The Idolatrous Thinking II. The Fitting Destruction
Bible Text: Romans 7 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: Lord's Day 44, The Ten Commandments | I. The Teaching of the Decalogue II. The Significance for the Christian…
Bible Text: Ephesians 1:1-14 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 | Preacher: Rev. Nathan Decker
I. The Meaning II. The Response
I. The Saviour From Sin II. The Saviour of His People III. The Certain Hope of the Believe
I. Its Beautiful Description II. Its Lamented Wreck
Bible Text: Psalm 140 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: Lord's Day 43, The Ten Commandments | I. The Psalms and Lies II. The Gospels and Lies
Bible Text: I Peter 1:1-12 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: Belgic Confession 34, Holy Baptism | Article 34: Holy Baptism. We believe and confess that Jesus Christ, who…
Bible Text: Ezekiel 26 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: Ezekiel's Prophecies Against Tyre I. The Utter Destruction II. The Two Agents III. The International Response