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CPRC Bulletin – September 4, 2022


Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 4 September, 2022

“I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will
I make known thy faithfulness to all generations” (Ps. 89:1)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

Covetousness  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:10-23, 44-52
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 44

I. What Is Forbidden
II. What is Required

Psalms: 146:1-8; 38:8-13; 27:1-5; 51:6-10, 16-17

Evening Service – 6:00 PM

Faith or Works? (1)
O Foolish Galatians!  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:1-31
Text: Galatians 3:1

I. What They Rejected
II. What This Involved

Psalms: 92:4-10; 38:14-22; 53:1-5; 130:1-8

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Quotes to Consider

Herman Hoeksema on Lord’s Day 44: “Contentment, in opposition to covetousness, is the Christian virtue and attitude whereby one seeks the things above not the things on the earth. It is the spiritual state of the one who hears and obeys the admonition of the apostle Paul (Col. 3:1-4) … This is also implied in the injunction of the tenth commandment. I may never set my heart on anything as an object of my desire that is merely earthly and has no connection with the kingdom of God or is opposed to it. I may never long for any object that is merely temporal, divorced from eternal things. I must set my heart on heavenly things and seek the things of the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Then all other things will be added unto me” (Love Thy Neighbor for God’s Sake, p. 188).

Prof. Herman Hanko on Galatians 3:1: “The foolishness of the Galatians is evident in that they do not ‘obey the truth.’ We do not usually think of our relation to the truth as one of obedience. We speak of obedience to the commands and admonitions of the gospel, while the truth is the object of our faith: it is to be believed and confessed. Nevertheless, this distinction is only one of convenience. The admonitions of the gospel are the truth, teaching us who God is and how he is to be served and worshiped. But the truth is not a mere proposition that one can take or leave without any dire consequences. The truth always demands faith and repentance, conversion and humility. The truth demands such things because the truth speaks of our relation to God, who is our creator and redeemer. In following the Judaizers, the Galatians were disobedient to the truth. They rejected it and went in another direction from the way that the truth had pointed out to them. They chose disobedience to Christ and confidence in their own ability to do good works and save themselves. The text makes clear what this disobedience really was: they rejected Jesus Christ crucified” (Justified Unto Liberty, p. 173).

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

On the back table are free “Daily Meditations for Spiritual Comfort” for September.

The Council will hold its monthly meeting tomorrow night at 7 PM.

Tuesday Bible study at 11 AM will meet to discuss the Roman Catholic view of faith and authority.

The Saturday night Bible study on Malachi 3:7-12 (Lesson 7) will be held this week (10 September) at 8 PM at the Kennedys’ home and on-line.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s day (Gospel 846 MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. Haak is entitled, “Christ’s Inseparable Love” (Rom. 8:38-39).

Offerings: £1,252.98. Donations: £100 (Malaysia), £200 (England).

Translation Additions: 1 Hungarian, 1 Polish, 1 Russian and 2 Telugu.

PRC News: Rev. Brummel declined the call to be home missionary. Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, CA) called Rev. Brummel.

A Letter to Paul the Apostle

Trinity Review (July / August 1988)


Charles Phinney
Presbyterian Church in Asia Minor
Committee on Missions

Paul the Apostle
c/o Aquila the Tentmaker
Corinth, Greece

Dear Paul:

We recently received a copy of your letter to the Galatians. The committee has directed me to inform you of a number of things which deeply concern us.

First, we find your language to be somewhat intemperate. In your letter, after a brief greeting to the Galatians, you immediately attack your opponents by claiming they “want to pervert the gospel of Christ.” You then say that such men should be regarded as “accursed”; and, in another place, you make reference to “false brethren.” Wouldn’t it be more charitable to give them the benefit of the doubt—at least until the General Assembly has investigated and adjudicated the matter? To make the situation worse, you later say, “I could wish those who trouble you would even cut them selves off!” Is such a statement really fitting for a Christian minister? The remark seems quite harsh and unloving.

Paul, we really feel the need to caution you about the tone of your epistles. You come across in an abrasive manner to many people. In some of your letters you’ve even mentioned names; and this practice has, no doubt, upset the friends of Hymenaeus, Alexander, and others. After all, many persons were first introduced to the Christian faith under the ministries of these men. Although some of our missionaries have manifest regrettable shortcomings, nevertheless, it can only stir up bad feelings when you speak of these men in a derogatory manner.

In other words, Paul, I believe you should strive for a more moderate posture in your ministry. Shouldn’t you try to win those who are in error by displaying a sweeter spirit? By now, you’ve probably alienated the Judaizers to the point that they will no longer listen to you.

By your outspokenness, you have also diminished your opportunities for future influence throughout the church as a whole. Rather, if you had worked more quietly, you might have been asked to serve on a presbytery committee appointed to study the issue. You could then have contributed your insights by helping to draft a good committee paper on the theological position of the Judaizers, without having to drag personalities into the dispute.

Besides, Paul, we need to maintain unity among those who profess a belief in Christ. The Judaizers at least stand with us as we confront the surrounding paganism and humanism, which prevail within the culture of the contemporary Roman Empire. The Judaizers are our allies in our struggles against abortion, homosexuality, government tyranny, etc. We cannot afford to allow differences over doctrinal minutiae to obscure this important fact.

I also must mention that questions have been raised about the contents of your letter, as well as your style. The committee questions the propriety of the doctrinaire structure of your letter. Is it wise to plague young Christians, like the Galatians, with such heavy theological issues? For example, in a couple of places, you allude to the doctrine of election. You also enter into a lengthy discussion of the law. Perhaps you could have proved your case in some other ways, without mentioning these complex and controverted points of Christianity. Your letter is so doctrinaire, it will probably serve only to polarize the differing factions within the churches. Again, we need to stress unity, instead of broaching issues, which will accent divisions among us.

In one place, you wrote, “Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.” Paul, you have a tendency to describe things strictly in black and white terms, as if there are no gray areas. You need to temper your expressions, lest you become too exclusive. Otherwise, your outlook will drive away many people, and make visitors feel unwelcome. Church growth is not promoted by taking such a hard line and remaining inflexible.

Remember, Paul, there is no such thing as a perfect church. We have to tolerate many imperfections in the church, since we cannot expect to have everything at once. If you will simply think back over your own experience, you will recall how you formerly harassed the church in your times of ignorance. By reflecting on your own past, you might acquire a more sympathetic attitude toward the Judaizers. Be patient, and give them some time to come around to a better understanding. In the meantime, rejoice that we all share a common profession of faith in Christ, since we have all been baptized in his name.


Charles Phinney
Coordinator, Committee on Missions

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