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CPRC Bulletin – September 29, 2024


Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 29 September, 2024

My covenant was with him of life and peace” (Mal. 2:5)

Morning Service – 11:00 AM – Lord’s Supper

God’s Son—So Much Better Than the Angels (21)
Christ Trusting in God    [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Psalm 18:1-19
Text: Hebrews 2:13

I. ​The Source of the Quotation
II. The Appropriateness of the Quotation
III. The Context of the Quotation

Psalms: 96:8-13; 107:10-16; 22:6-12; 18:1-7

Evening Service – 6:00 PM – Applicatory

What Is It Necessary to Believe?   [youtube]

Scripture Reading: John 6:32-58
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 7

I. The Answer to This Question
II. The Test This Provides
III. The Blessedness of Believing

Psalms: 119:41-48; 107:17-25; 78:18-25; 143:5-10

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

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Announcements (subject to God’s will)

We welcome Daniel Carlton from Essex in England to our services today.

After a week of self-examination, CPRC confessing members in good standing are called to partake of the Lord’s Supper. Your participation in the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood is in part a witness that you repent of your sins, believe in Jesus Christ as your only righteousness, and desire to live a new and godly life. As this heavenly food can be taken to one’s judgment (I Cor. 11:28-30) and as the common reception of the Lord’s Supper is a confession of doctrinal unity (Acts 2:42), the elders supervise the partaking of the sacrament. Visitors who are members of other denominations must already have presented to the Council an attestation from their church that they are confessing members in good standing and have received permission from the Council to partake of the Lord’s Supper.

The new CPRC address list is on the back table.

Monday catechism classes (please remember to sign and return the consent forms):
5:00 PM: Hannah, Penelope & Xander (Seniors OT)
5:45 PM: Grace, Jonas, Liam & Sammy (Beginners OT – Book 2)
6:30 PM: Eleanora, Felicity, Jorja & Sophie (Juniors OT)
7:15 PM: Jason, Kyan, Maisie & Sebastian (Heidelberg Catechism – Book 1)
8:00 PM: Bradley, Jack, Josh, Samuel & Taylor (Essentials)

Tuesday Bible study at 11 AM will consider further what Christ taught Paul on the Damascus Road (it will help if you read Acts 9, 22 and 26 beforehand).

The Belgic Confession classes will begin for the season this Wednesday at 7:30 PM. We will continue our study of eschatology (Article 37) with the origin of the Antichrist.

The Men’s Bible study is this Saturday, 5 October, at 7:30 PM on-line, to discuss Amos 5.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s day (Gospel 846 MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. Bruinsma is entitled, “The Great Tribulation” (Matt. 24:9-22).

Family visitation: Friday, 4 October
7PM: Buchanans
8PM: Trevor
9PM: Spences

The Council meets on Monday, 7 October, at 8 PM.

Offerings: £1,632.40

Translation Additions: 2 Cebuano, 2 Polish and 2 Spanish.

PRC News: Rev. Brummel is considering calls from Lynden PRC (WA) and Hope PRC (Redlands, CA). Rev. Decker received calls from Hope PRC (Walker, MI) and Southwest PRC (MI). Zion PRC (MI) called Rev. Spronk. Classis West met this past week in Hull PRC: pastor-elect Haveman sustained his examination and plans are being made for his ordination in Loveland PRC (CO).

Elijah Taken to Heaven (1)

Brian D. Dykstra

Just as Elijah’s appearance in Scripture is abrupt, so is the announcement of his departure to heaven. The fact that God would take Elijah was known to Elisha and throughout the community of the sons of the prophets. The story in II Kings 2 begins with the prophets in Gilgal, according to some, a place in the mountains of Ephraim, southwest of Shiloh. A journey of eight or nine miles south brings one to Bethel. The prophets finally went to Jericho.

These places did not have the best reputations for spirituality. In Amos 4:4, we read, “Come to Bethel, and transgress; at Gilgal multiply transgression.” Finally, Jericho was rebuilt in disobedience to God’s clear command (I Kings 16:34). We note that although these places were associated with idolatry and rebellion, these were also places where schools for the sons of the prophets were found. We can take heart that, although we also live in an idolatrous and rebellious world, God still preserves His people and provides a place where we can learn His word and worship Him.

Elisha and the sons of the prophets understand that Elijah’s departure from them was to be extraordinary. As for God’s taking Elijah away from Elisha, the sons use the expression, “from thy head.” This expression could refer to Elijah’s friendship being as a crown of glory to Elisha. Also, in those days a teacher would sit in a chair, elevated over the students. The teacher was over the heads of the students during the lessons. Elisha had been taught by Elijah as he prepared to take Elijah’s place. Elisha would no longer have Elisha over his head as he received instruction.

Elijah’s departure is imminent, yet we see a good example in him in what he does before he leaves his place on earth. Elijah did not turn his back on the matters of God’s people. His attitude was not that, since he would soon be in heaven, he didn’t care about the church on earth. Nor is it the case that, since a far better place was just ahead, he would concentrate all his thoughts on heaven. Elijah would go to the sons of the prophets to see them and instruct them one more time. Elijah is still interested in the condition of the church which he will soon leave.

Elijah asked Elisha to stay behind in Gilgal, then Bethel, Jericho and, finally, at the Jordan River. Elisha used God’s name in each response that he would not leave Elijah. Elisha must have noticed that Elijah did not give him a command in God’s name, so staying with Elijah would not be disobedience. Elisha saw Elijah’s request as a test of loyalty. Elisha knew he did not have much more time to benefit from instruction and conversation with his respected teacher. He would spend as much time as he could with Elijah.

One reason Elisha might have had for not staying behind was that Elisha might have wanted to see for himself Elijah’s departure into heaven. This would confirm his faith that there is a heaven, that the life of this earth is not all there is to our existence. As New Testament believers, God also gives us visual confirmations of our faith. Just as we see water removing filth from the body, we know Christ’s blood removes our sin. As we see the broken bread and poured wine of the Lord’s Supper, we remember our Saviour’s suffering on the cross to deliver us from sin and that each of us is a part of the body of Christ.

After miraculously crossing the Jordan River, Elijah asks Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee.” This question is important. Elijah does not instruct Elisha to pray to Elijah once Elijah is in heaven, for there he will be closer to God’s throne where he can intercede for Elisha. The saints in heaven are not intercessors before God’s throne of grace for the saints still on earth. The position of intercessor belongs only to Christ. Elijah asked the question while he was still on earth and gave Elisha a sign so he will know if God will grant his request.

Elisha requested a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. The request did not arise from a desire for greater earthly glory. Elisha is not thinking that, if Elijah is famous and highly regarded, he would like men to think of him as being even greater. Rather, Elisha knew Israel’s spiritual condition. He had a great task before him. He would need an abundant supply of God’s Spirit for him to serve God faithfully. We should think of this “double portion” as that portion inherited by the first-born son. Elisha is an example to us of coveting the best gifts (I Cor. 12:31).

Now we suddenly have, “there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” There was a time when artists used biblical events for paintings. With such a dramatic and unique event as this, it is not a surprise to find many examples of paintings based on this event. However, all have Elijah riding in the chariot as he ascends to heaven. Note that Elijah ascended in a whirlwind, not a chariot. The idea of painting Elijah riding in a fiery chariot was too much to let pass.

Commentators note that the sons of the prophets, who stood by the Jordan to witness this event, probably did not see the horses and chariot of fire. As evidence, they point out that later Elisha’s servant in Dothan did not see chariots surrounding Elisha for his protection. The New Testament example is Christ’s appearance to Paul on the road to Damascus. The vision and the words uttered were only for Paul. God created His angels to be our ministering spirits. We do not have the spiritual eyes we need to see God’s fiery horsemen and chariots as they protect the church today.

… to be continued

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