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About the Covenant Reformed News


First published over 30 years ago (November, 1992), the Covenant Reformed News teaches the truth of the Word of God, the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. From the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church (CPRC) manse outside Kells in Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, several hundreds of thousands of copies of the News have been posted or e-mailed to subscribers in all parts of the United Kingdom, as well as in many countries in every continent of the world, including

Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland (Republic of), Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc.

The Covenant Reformed News is distributed in English not only by the CPRC in the UK and around the globe, but also by several Protestant Reformed Churches (PRC) in various parts of N. America and by the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (PRCP). Furthermore, the Covenant Reformed News is sent out each month by e-mail in Hungarian and Spanish by brethren in Budapest and Peru, respectively.

A number of people from various countries have helped us by translating News articles into some 26 languages spoken especially in various countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America: Afrikaans, Albanian, Burmese, Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hiligaynon, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Kirundi, Luo, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili and Tagalog. Most articles of the News have been translated into at least 1 language and some up to as many as 7 different tongues. Thus there are more than twice as many translations of the News on-line as there are pieces in English!

Many Covenant Reformed News articles in volumes 1-8 were published in Rev. Ron Hanko’s fine book, Doctrine According to Godliness and he is now back writing for the News again. Prof. Herman Hanko from Michigan, USA, contributed many articles in the News from the earliest days until the September 2020 issue. Rev. Angus Stewart of the CPRC in N. Ireland has been writing in the News since the first issue of volume 9.

The News is short and clear, and it has the additional virtue of being completely free! Usually, half of the News is devoted to answers to readers’ questions by Rev. Ron Hanko of the PRC from Spokane, Washington, USA. Subjects treated have included September 11, tattoos, marriage with an unbeliever, the election of the church, the Messianic Psalms, Rahab’s lie, etc. The News is not afraid to deal with controversial issues.

The News is also used to advertise free literature and special offers; to sell Christian books, and CDs and DVDs of lectures, theological classes and sermon series; as well as to advertise upcoming speeches, conferences and radio broadcasts. Sometimes bulletins, pamphlets, the RFPA Update, the Beacon Lights, CPRC catalogues, etc., are included with the News.

To receive your free monthly copy of the Covenant Reformed News in English by post and/or e-mail (in the British Isles) or by e-mail (anywhere), click on the sign-up link in the side bar on the right of this page.

The C. R. News expresses views,
I find so oft refreshing.
The doctrine strong for which I long,
To me is daily blessing.
The writers all obey the call
To stand for Truth and Right.
My voice I raise in songs of praise,
To God both day and night.
But what is this that gives such bliss,
And makes me ask for more?
‘Tis rich, red meat and ripened wheat
From Reformed doctrine’s store.
No common grace, that would disgrace
The sacred Gospel call.
The Jewish dream, a worthless scheme,
And product of man’s Fall.
But now, behold, the mist unfold,
A vision bright revealed,
A precious gem, a diadem,
By wicked men concealed.
All glory giv’n to God in Heaven,
Five facets now we see;
Each part entwined, sweetly combined,
In perfect harmony.
Can we believe what we receive
Has Heaven’s confirmation?
Let Scripture be the judge for thee
Then join in admiration.

– Rev. James Jackett (Wales)

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