(LD1) Why Heidelberg Catechism Preaching? (Rev. McGeown) (John 8:21-59)
(LD1) Job’s Comfort and Our Comfort (Job 1:13-2:13)
(LD1) My Only Comfort (Ps. 4)
(LD1) Enveloped By Comfort (Ps. 71)
(LD1) Three Voices of Comfort (Isa. 40:1-17)
(LD1) Comforted! (Isa. 66:7-13)
(LD1) Our Only Comfort (Rom. 8:16-39)
(LD1) To Whom Do I Belong? (Rom. 14)
(LD1) Our Only Comfort (I Cor. 3)
(LD1) The Believer’s Only Comfort (I Cor. 6)
(LD1) The Freedom of Our Only Comfort (I Cor. 7:1-24)
(LD1) Our Only Comfort in the Coronavirus Pandemic (I Pet. 1:1-21)
(LD2) Knowing Our Sins and Misery (Jer. 17)
(LD2) How Especially Do We Know Our Misery? (Matt. 22:15-46)
(LD2) Prone to Hate (Rom. 1:16-32)
(LD2) Total Depravity (Rom. 3:9-26)
(LD2) The Purposes of God’s Law (Rom. 3:9-31)
(LD2) Knowing Our Misery (Rom. 7)
(LD2) Knowing Our Sins and Miseries by the Law (Rom. 7)
(LD2) Knowing Our Misery by the Law (Rom. 7:7-13)
(LD2) The Misery of Man (I Tim. 1)
(LD3) Knowing Man (Gen. 2:7-25)
(LD3) The Wickedness of Man (Gen. 6:5)
(LD3) Knowing Our Corruption (Ps. 51)
(LD3) Our Sinful Nature (Ps. 58)
(LD3) Man Is Incorrigibly Corrupt (Luke 16:14-31)
(LD3) Human Nature in Its First Three States (John 8:23-47)
(LD3) Wholly Corrupt! (Eph. 2:1-10)
(LD3) Man’s Loss of God’s Image (Eph. 4:17-32)
Wholly Incapable of Doing Any Good (Heb. 3)
(LD4) Disobedience Cursed (Deut. 27)
(LD4) Overtaken by God’s Curses (Deut. 28:15)
(LD4) No Way Out! (Deut. 28:15-35)
(LD4) Sinners Must Be Punished (Ps. 9)
(LD4) Justice and Mercy (Ps. 89:1-37)
(LD4) The Results of the Fall (Ps. 90)
(LD4) The Excuses of Fallen Man (Ecc. 7)
(LD4) But Is It Fair? (Ecc. 7:11-29)
(LD4) The Wrath of God Revealed From Heaven (Rom. 1:18)
(LD4) God’s Just Mercy (Rom. 3:9-28)
(LD 4) God’s Requirements From Fallen Man (Rom. 8:1-18)
(LD4) Vengeance Belongs to God (Heb. 10:30-31)
(LD5) The Satisfaction of God’s Justice (Deut. 27:11-26)
(LD5) The Power of Riches (Ps. 49)
(LD5) The Just Way of Receiving God’s Favour (Ps. 89:1-37)
(LD5) The Righteous Judgment of God (Hab. 1)
(LD5) The Gospel of Satisfaction (Rom. 5)
(LD5) Our Mediator’s Human Nature (Rom. 8:3)
(LD5) The Deliverer and Mediator We Need (I Cor. 1:17-31)
(LD5) Satisfaction to God’s Justice (II Cor. 5)
(LD5) The Way of Escape (Eph. 2)
(LD5) So Great Salvation! (Heb. 1:1-2:4)
(LD5) Why Our Mediator Must Be Very Man (Heb. 2:14-15)
(LD5) Satisfaction for Sin (Heb. 10:1-31)
(LD6) Why Must Our Saviour Be God? (Isa. 9)
(LD6) The Revelation of the Mediator in Moses’ Writings (John 5:46)
(LD6) The Revelation of the Holy Gospel (Rom. 1:1-17)
(LD6) Why Our Deliverer Must Be God (Rom. 3)
(LD6) The Necessity of the Incarnation (I Cor. 1)
(LD6) Our Perfect Mediator (I Cor. 1:17-2:5)
(LD6) Jesus Christ, Our Mediator (I) (I Tim. 2)
(LD6) Jesus Christ, Our Mediator (II) (I Tim. 2)
(LD6) Our Divine Saviour (Heb. 1)
(LD6) Christ Our Surety (Heb. 7:20-8:13)
(LD6) The Messiah Coming to Do God’s Will (Heb. 10:1-25)
(LD6) Why the Word Became Man (I John 1:1-2:2)
(LD6) Why Our Saviour Must Be Truly God (Rev. 22)
(LD7) Saving Faith and Sacred Scripture (Ps. 119:160)
(LD7) What Is it Necessary to Believe? (John 6)
(LD7) Faith: Our Bond With Christ (John 14:23-15:17)
(LD7) Ingrafted Into Christ (John 15:1-27)
(LD7) Faith Versus Doubt (John 20:1-10, 19-31)
(LD7) What Is Necessary for a Christian to Believe? (I Cor. 15:1-24)
(LD7) Faith Receiving All the Blessings of Salvation (Gal. 3:6-29)
(LD7) Faith—A Many-Sided Wonder (Phil. 1:12-30)
(LD7) True Faith—What Is It? (Col. 1)
(LD7) What Is True Faith? (II Tim. 1:12)
(LD7) Faith, the Victory That Overcomes the World (I John 5)
(LD8) The Holy Trinity at the River Jordan (Matt. 3)
(LD8) The Holy Trinity (Matt. 28)
(LD8) The Mutual Indwelling of the Father and the Son (John 13:31-14:21)
(LD8) Christ’s Friends (John 15:15)
(LD8) The Mighty Works of the Triune God (John 16:1-15)
(LD8) The Spirit Searching the Deep Things of God (I Cor. 2:10)
(LD8) The Trinitarian Blessing (II Cor. 13:14)
(LD8) The Works of the Triune God (I Pet. 1)
(LD8) The Works of the Triune God (I Pet. 1)
(LD8) The Blessed Trinity (I John 1:1-2:2)
(LD9) The First Line of the Apostles’ Creed (Gen. 1)
(LD9) Knowing God Our Creator (Gen. 1)
(LD9) God’s Fatherly Care and the Heavenly Bodies (Gen. 1:14-19)
(LD9) The Creator Is Our Father! (Job 38:1-23)
(LD9) Living Faith in God Our Father (Ps. 33)
(LD9) God the Creator (Ps. 104)
(LD9) The God of the Valleys (Ps. 104)
(LD9) God the Father and Our Creation (Prov. 8)
(LD9) The Thought of God Our Creator (Isa. 40:12-31)
(LD9) Trusting in God the Father Almighty (Jer. 10:6-25)
(LD9) Relying Upon My Almighty Father (Phil. 4)
(LD9) Understanding Creation by Faith (Heb. 11:3)
(LD10) God’s Providential Hand—on Ezra and on Us (Ezra 7:6-28)
(LD10) The Powerful Truth of Providence (Job 7)
(LD10) God’s Gracious Providence for His People (Ps. 25)
(LD10) The Wonderful God of Providence (Ps. 33)
(LD10) Providence: God’s Fatherly Hand (Ps. 104)
(LD10) Father’s Gracious Providence (Ps. 104)
(LD10) God’s Providential Power (Ps. 107)
(LD10) God, the Providential Governor (Ps. 139)
(LD10) The Consciousness of God’s Providence (Ps. 139)
(LD10) God’s Fatherly Rule (Acts 17:10-34)
(LD10) Nothing Can Separate Us From God’s Love (Rom. 8:33-39)
(LD11) Four Exalted Names of Jesus (Isa. 8:9-9:7)
(LD11) The Only Saviour (Isa. 43)
(LD11) The Name Jesus (Isa. 62)
(LD11) The Blessed Name “Jesus” (Matt. 1)
(LD11) Jesus Is the Saviour (John 10:1-20)
(LD11) Jesus the Saviour and Friendship (John 15)
(LD11) Jesus Our Saviour (Acts 4:12)
(LD11) The Revelation of Jesus on the Damascus Road (Acts 26:1-23)
(LD11) Jesus: Jehovah Salvation (Gal. 2:11-3:14)
(LD11) The Complete Saviour (Col. 2)
(LD11) Jesus, the Saviour (II Pet. 1)
(LD12) Christ, the Prophet like Moses (Deut. 18)
(LD12) The Believer’s Three-Fold Office (Ps. 27)
(LD12) Our Anointed King (Isa. 11)
(LD12) The Messiah (Isa. 42)
(LD12) Christ (Isa. 61)
(LD12) The Anointed One (Luke 1:26-38)
(LD12) The Glorious Name “Christian” (Acts 11:19-30)
(LD12) Our Anointed Melchizedekian Priest (Heb. 7)
(LD12) The Believer’s Anointing (I John 2)
(LD12) Why Are You Called a Christian? (I John 2)
(LD13) Worship the Lord (Ps. 45)
(LD13) The Only Begotten Son of God (John 1:1-18)
(LD13) The Son Working as the Father (John 5:1-23)
(LD13) Thomas’ Confession of Christ as Lord (John 20:28)
(LD13) The History of Divine Sonship (Rom. 8:13-31)
(LD13) Christ’s Lordship Over the Holy Supper (I Cor. 11-12)
(LD13) Jesus Christ is Lord! (Phil. 2:1-21)
(LD13) The Lordship of Christ (Phil. 2)
(LD13) Jesus Is Lord (Phil. 2)
(LD13) Jesus Is Our Lord (Col. 1:9-29)
(LD13) The Lord of My Body and Soul (I Pet. 1)
(LD13) Christ’s Exalted Lordship (I Pet. 1:13-2:3; 4:1-4)
(LD14) Christ’s Holy Conception and Nativity (Ps. 22)
(LD14) Christ Trusting God from the Womb (Ps. 22:9-10)
(LD14) The Virgin Birth Prophecy (Isa. 7:1-16)
(LD14) The Ruler Out of Bethlehem (Mic. 4:1-5:4)
(LD14) Christ’s Incarnation (Matt. 1)
(LD14) Christ in Bethlehem (Matt. 2)
(LD14) The Virgin Birth (Luke 1:26-45)
(LD14) The Blessed Virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-56)
(LD14) The Wonder of the Virgin Birth (Luke 1:26-56)
(LD14) Christ’s Virgin Birth: What It Teaches Us (Luke 2:1-21)
(LD14) The Virgin Birth of the Son of God (Rom. 1:1-17)
(LD15) Our Suffering Saviour (Ps. 22)
(LD15) Behold Christ’s Sufferings! (Isa. 50)
(LD15) Christ’s Lifelong Suffering (Isa. 53)
(LD15) Our Iniquity Laid on Christ (Isa. 53:6)
(LD15) He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate (Matt. 27:1-31)
(LD15) The Wonder of Christ’s Sufferings (Mark 15:1-28)
(LD15) Our Saviour’s Suffering (Luke 23:20-46)
(LD15) Christ Suffered Under Pontius Pilate (John 19:1-22)
(LD15) Christ’s Redemption from the Curse of the Law (Gal. 3:13)
(LD15) “He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate” (I Peter 2)
(LD16) The Christian’s Death: A Passage into Eternal Life (Ps. 88)
(LD16) “He Descended Into Hell” (Isa. 53)
(LD16) Christ’s Cry of Dereliction (Matt. 27:27-49)
(LD16) Our Lord’s Burial (Mark 15:25-47)
(LD16) The Reasons for Christ’s Death (John 19:28-42)
(LD16) Christ’s Burial (John 19:38-42)
(LD16) The Death of the Believer (John 11:11-46)
(LD16) With the Rich in His Death (John 19:23-42)
(LD16) The Death of Christ (Rom. 6)
(LD16) Why Must Believers Die? (Phil. 1:12-30)
(LD16) Christ’s Tasting Death (Heb. 2)
(LD16) Christ’s Descent Into Hell (I Pet. 3:15-4:11)
(LD17) Christ’s Resurrection on the Third Day (Hos. 5:1-6:3)
(LD17) “Destroy This Temple” (John 2:19)
(LD17) Christ’s Resurrection and Our New Life (Rom. 6)
(LD17) The Profit of Christ’s Resurrection (Rom. 8:1-25)
(LD17) Christ, the Firstfruits of the Resurrection (I Cor. 15:1-28)
(LD17) Christ, the Quickening Spirit (I Cor. 15:45)
(LD17) Christ’s Resurrection—Profit for Us! (I Cor. 15:12-45)
(LD17) The Profit of Christ’s Resurrection (I Cor. 15:12-45)
(LD18) Christ Ascended on High (Ps. 68:18)
(LD18) God Ascended with a Shout (Ps. 47)
(LD18) Satan’s Attempted Ascension (Isa. 14)
(LD18) The Ascension of Christ (Luke. 24:36-53)
(LD18) The Necessity of Christ’s Ascension (John 14:1-11)
(LD18) Our Lord’s Ascension (Acts 1:1-26)
(LD18) Our Lord’s Ascension Into Heaven (1) (Acts 1)
(LD18) Our Lord’s Ascension Into Heaven (2) (Rev. 5)
(LD18) The Ascension (Eph. 4:1-16)
(LD18) Christ’s Glorious Ascension (Eph. 4:1-16)
(LD18) Our Ascended High Priest (Heb. 4)
(LD18) Christ’s Ascension (Heb 9:11-28)
(LD18) Christ’s Ascension Is to Our Advantage (I John 1:1-2:11)
(LD19) The Biblical Rapture (I Thess. 4:13-18)
(LD19) Christ Sitting at the Right Hand of God (Ps. 110)
(LD19) Divine Judgment in the Valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3)
(LD19) Christ’s Session at God’s Right Hand (Acts 2:22-40)
(LD19) Christ at God’s Right Hand in Heaven (Eph. 1)
(LD19) Christ’s Sitting at God’s Right Hand (Eph. 1:17-2:7)
The Revelation of Christ From Heaven (II Thess. 1)
(LD19) Christ Shall Come Again! (II Thess. 1)
(LD19) Christ Our Enthroned King (Heb. 1)
(LD20) God’s Good Spirit (Psalm 143)
(LD20) The Power and Gentleness of the Spirit (Isa. 61)
(LD20) Images of God’s Spirit (Luke 11:5-26)
(LD20) I Believe in the Holy Spirit (John 14)
(LD20) The Blessed Comforter (John 14:1-26)
(LD20) The Spirit Convicting the World (John 16:8-11)
(LD20) The Holy Spirit Given to Me (Rom. 8:1-18)
(LD20) Why Is He Called the Holy Spirit? (I Cor. 2)
(LD20) The Holy Spirit and the Cosmos (Rev. 22)
(LD21) The Church of Christ (Isa. 11)
(LD21) The Gathered Church (Zech. 8)
(LD21) The Gathering of the Church (Zech. 8)
(LD21) The Communion of the Church (Acts 2:16-47)
(LD21) Enjoying the Communion of the Saints (Rom. 12)
(LD21) The Body-Communion of the Saints (I Cor. 12)
(LD21) The Unity of the Church (Gal. 4:1-7)
(LD21) Believing the Church (Eph. 1:1-4)
(LD21) The Church’s Unity (Eph. 1)
(LD21) Images of the Church (Eph. 2)
(LD21) The Institution and Organism of the Church (Eph. 2)
(LD21) The Apostolicity of the Church (Eph. 2:20)
(LD21) The Catholicity of the Church (Eph. 2:11-22)
(LD21) The Holiness of the Church (Eph. 5)
(LD22) God’s Dead Shall Live! (Isa. 26:19)
(LD22) The Eschatological Life (John 11:11-44)
(LD22) The Glory to Be Revealed in Us (Rom. 8:1-28)
(LD22) The Things Prepared for Those Who Love God (I Cor. 2)
(LD22) The Resurrection of the Body (I Cor. 15:32-58)
(LD22) The Resurrection of the Believer’s Body (I Cor. 15:32-58)
(LD22) Life After Death (Phil. 1)
(LD22) The Life Everlasting (Rev. 21)
(LD22) Life Everlasting (Rev. 22)
(LD23) Righteousness by Faith Alone (Gen. 15)
(LD23) Clothed in Robes of Righteousness (Isa. 61)
(LD23) The Profit of Believing (Mal. 3)
(LD23) Justification and the Apostles’ Creed (Acts 13:16-41)
(LD23) Righteous by Faith Alone (Rom. 3)
(LD23) Righteous Before God! (Rom. 3:9-31)
(LD23) Simul Justus et Peccator (Rom. 3:19-4:8)
(LD23) “I Am a Righteous Heir” (Rom. 4)
(LD23) The Profit of Believing (Rom. 4)
(LD23) The Profit of Faith? (Rom. 5)
(LD23) The Profit of the Gospel (Rom. 10)
(LD24) All Our Righteousnesses as Filthy Rags (Isa. 64)
(LD24) Fruit-Bearing Branches (John 15:1-8)
(LD24) Two Impossibilities Regarding the Believer’s Good Works (John 15:1-17)
(LD24) Good Works and Salvation by Grace Alone (John 15)
(LD24) “Good Works” Versus Justification by Faith Alone (Rom. 10)
(LD24) Are Man’s Good Works His Righteousness Before God? (Gal. 3:1-14)
(LD24) Understanding Good Works (Eph. 2)
(LD24) Good Works, the Purpose of Scripture (II Tim. 3)
(LD24) Implanted Into Christ (Titus 2)
(LD24) Understanding Good Works (Titus 3)
(LD25) Preaching, the Chief Means of Grace (Isa. 61)
(LD25) Whence Does Faith Proceed? (John 6:22-51)
(LD25) “Whence Does This Faith Proceed?” (John 15)
(LD25) The New Testament Sacraments (Rom. 4)
(LD25) The Christian Sacraments (Rom. 4)
(LD25) The Sacraments (Rom. 4:11)
(LD25) Whence Does Faith Proceed? (Rom. 10)
(LD25) The Preaching of the Gospel (Rom. 10)
(LD25) Word and Sacraments (I Cor. 1:10-31)
(LD25) The Christian Sacraments (I Cor. 10:1-22)
(LD25) The Origin of Faith (Eph. 2)
The Two-Fold Washing of Baptism (Eze. 36:21-38)
(LD26) The Sacrament of Baptism (Matt. 28)
(LD26) The Christian Sacrament of Baptism (Matt. 28)
(LD26) The Institution of Baptism (Matt. 28:18-20)
(LD26) Baptism and Union With Christ (I Cor. 10)
(LD26) Baptized Into One Body (I Cor. 12:13)
(LD26) The Washing of Regeneration (Titus 3:5)
(LD26) The Promise of Baptism (I Pet. 1)
(LD27) Believers’ Children and Their Baptism (Gen. 17)
(LD27) Believers’ Children in God’s Covenant and Church (Gen. 17)
(LD27) God’s Covenant with Christ’s Seed’s Seed (Isa. 59)
(LD27) The Messianic Age and Children (Eze. 37:15-28)
(LD27) Baptism: The Washing Away of Sins (Acts 9:1-22)
(LD27) Good News for Households (Acts 16:30-34)
(LD27) Covenant Children (Eph. 1; 6:1-4)
(LD27) The Circumcision Without Hands (Col. 2)
(LD27) The Baptism and Calling of the Children of Believers (Col. 3)
(LD27) Baptism: God’s Gift to Covenant Children (Titus 3)
(LD28) True Partaking of the Lord’s Supper (Isaiah 55)
(LD28) Eating and Drinking Christ (John 6:35-63)
(LD28) More and More United to Christ (I Cor. 6)
(LD28) The Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ (I Cor. 10)
(LD28) Unity and the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 10)
(LD28) Spiritual Feeding (I Cor. 10)
(LD28) The Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 10:1-22)
(LD28) What It Is to Partake of the Lord’s Supper (Eph. 4:11-32)
(LD28) The One Mediator Between God and Man (I Tim. 2)
(LD29) God’s Covenant Presence (Ps. 139)
(LD29) Christ’s Presence at the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22)
(LD29) Transformation and the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 10:1-17)
(LD29) “This Is My Body” (I Cor. 10:1-22)
(LD29) The Bread and the Wine of the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11)
(LD29) The Lord’s Supper—A Full Meal! (I Cor. 11)
(LD29) The New Covenant in Christ’s Blood (II Cor. 3)
(LD29) Feeding on Jesus Christ (Heb. 5:5-6:12)
(LD29) Christ’s Offering Himself to God (Heb. 9:1-15)
(LD30) The Result of Christ’s Offering Himself to God (Heb. 9:6-28)
(LD30) Mounting Up as Eagles (Isa. 40:27-31)
(LD30) True Self-Examination (Isa. 61)
(LD30) Coming to the Lord’s Supper (Matt. 5:1-26)
(LD30) Proper Partakers of the Holy Supper (Matt. 5)
(LD30) Right Partaking of the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11:27-34)
(LD30) For Whom Is the Lord’s Supper Instituted? (II Cor. 7)
(LD30) The Lord’s Supper Versus the Roman Mass (Heb. 10:1-25)
(LD30) Coming to the Lord’s Table (I Pet. 2)
(LD30) Fencing the Table (I Pet. 4:10-5:14)
(LD30) Preparing for the Lord’s Supper (I John 3)
(LD31) The Keys of the Kingdom (Isa. 22:8-25)
(LD31) The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 16)
(LD31) The First Key: Preaching (Eph. 4)
(LD31) The Second Key: Church Discipline (Matt. 18:1-22)
(LD31) What Is Preaching? (Matt. 21:42-22:14)
(LD31) Church Discipline (I Cor. 5)
(LD31) The Kingdom and the Keys (Eph. 5:1-21)
(LD31) The Calling of Elders (Titus 1)
(LD31) God’s Two Church Keys (Heb. 3)
(LD31) Obeying Church Leaders (Heb. 13)
(LD32) Why Good Works? (Matt. 6:1-18)
(LD32) Why Must We Still Do Good Works? (II Cor. 3:1-4:7)
(LD32) Newness and Good Works (Eph. 4:30-5:13)
(LD32) Why Must Believers Do Good Works? (I) (Eph. 5)
(LD32) The Christian’s Glorious Identity and Good Works (Col. 3)
(LD32) Why Must We Do Good Works? (Titus 2:11-12)
(LD32) Zealous of Good Works (Titus 2:14-15)
(LD32) Why Must We Still Do Good Works (Titus 3)
(LD32) Why Must Christians Do Good Works? (I Pet. 2)
(LD32) Good Works: Why? (I Pet. 2:1-25)
(LD32) Motivation for Good Works (I Pet. 3:1-17)
(LD32) Why Must Believers Do Good Works? (II) (I John 3)
(LD33) Ephraim: A Model of True Conversion (Jer. 31:1-21)
(LD33) Walking in Newness of Life (Rom. 6)
(LD33) The Quickening of the New Man (Gal. 2:11-3:9)
(LD33) Mortification (Col. 3:5)
(LD33) The Mortification of the Old Man (II Cor. 7)
(LD33) True Conversion (Eph. 4:17-5:7)
(LD34) The Moral Law of God (Deut. 5:1-33)
(LD34) Jehovah’s Good Law (Ps. 103)
(LD34) The Law of God (I) (Rom. 7)
(LD34) The Law of God (II) (Rom. 7)
(LD34) The Two Main Functions of the Law (Rom. 7:7-25)
(LD34) The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen. 2:8-3:24)
(LD34) The Ten Commandments (Ex. 19:7-20:21)
(LD34) No Other God But Jehovah! (Deut. 18)
(LD34) Having No Other God But Jehovah (Deut. 18)
(LD34) Keeping the First Commandment (Ps. 86)
(LD34) The Only True God (Isa. 45)
(LD34) God’s Word to Us in the First Commandment (Jer. 17)
(LD34) The Queen of Heaven (Jer. 44)
(LD34) Idols in the Heart (Eze. 14:1-5)
(LD34) Having Jehovah for Our God (I John 5)
(LD34-35) The Samaritan Woman and the First Two Commandments (John 4:5-30)
(LD35) Christianity Versus Idolatry (Deut. 4:7-29)
(LD35) No Graven Images! (Deut. 5)
(LD35) Seeing God Through an Image (Isa. 40:12-31)
(LD35) The Second Commandment (Isa. 44)
(LD35) The True Way of Worshipping God (Isa. 46)
(LD35) No Graven Images! (Hab. 2)
(LD35) Worship Through the Word (Not Images!) (John 4:6-30)
(LD35) True Worshippers (John 4:23-24)
(LD35) Imaging God (II Cor. 3:1-4:7)
(LD35) Worship and Images of God (II Cor. 3:1-4:18)
(LD35) Will Worship (Col. 2:18-23)
(LD35) Guarding Ourselves Against Idolatry (I John 5:18-21)
(LD36) Christ Denied with Oaths and Curses (Matt. 26:69-75)
(LD36) Lawful Oaths and Vows (II Cor. 1)
(LD36-37) Honouring God’s Name (Ex. 33:7-23)
(LD36-37) The Blasphemer Stoned (Lev. 24)
(LD36-37) Honouring God’s Name (Ps. 96)
(LD36-37) Christian Vows (Ecc. 5)
(LD36-37) Reverencing God’s Name (Ecc. 5)
(LD36-37) The Third Commandment and the Third Vow (Ecc. 5)
(LD36-37) False Swearers Cut Off (Zech. 5)
(LD36-37) Taking God’s Name in Vain (II Cor. 1:20)
(LD36-37) Holy Swearing (Heb. 6)
(LD38) Diligently Frequenting God’s Church (Ps. 84)
(LD38) The Requirements of the Fourth Commandment (Ps. 92)
(LD38) The Sabbath Psalm (Ps. 92)
(LD38) Keeping the Sabbath (Isa. 58)
(LD38) The Blessed Sabbath (Isa. 58)
(LD38) Ruining or Honouring the Lord’s Day? (Isa. 58)
(LD38) Hallowing the Sabbath (Eze. 20:1-26)
(LD38) Ruining or Remembering the Lord’s Day? (Gal. 6)
(LD38) The Blessed Sabbath (Luke 13)
(LD38) A Lord’s Day at Troas (Acts 20:7-12)
(LD38) The Corinthian Collection on the First Day (I Cor. 16)
(LD38) Sabbath Rest (Heb. 4)
(LD38) Not Forsaking the Assembly of the Saints (Heb. 10:25)
(LD38) In the Spirit on the Lord’s Day (Rev. 1)
(LD39) The Calling of the Fifth Commandment (Prov. 30:1-23)
(LD39) Our Calling in the Fifth Commandment (Rom. 13)
(LD39) Those in Authority Over Us (Rom. 13)
(LD39) Honour Father and Mother (Eph. 5:15-6:4)
(LD39) Keeping the Fifth Commandment (Eph. 5:18-6:3)
(LD39) Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother (Eph. 5:22-6:3)
(LD39) The Fifth Commandment (Eph. 6)
(LD39) Honouring Your Employer (Eph. 6:5-8)
(LD39) The Graces of the Fifth Commandment (Col. 3:1-4:1)
(LD39) God’s Requirements in the Fifth Commandment (Col. 3:12-4:6)
(LD39) Honouring Those in Authority (I Pet. 2:11-3:7)
(LD40) Murder Forbidden! (II Sam. 11:6-27)
(LD40) No Killing! (Matt. 5:3-26)
(LD40) Murdering the Neighbour (Matt. 5:21-48)
(LD40) The Death of the Traitor (Matt. 26:69-27:18)
(LD40) No Killing! (Rom. 12-13)
(LD40) Do Not Take Vengeance (Rom. 12)
(LD40) Murder! (Rom. 12:1-13:5)
(LD40) Thou Shalt Not Murder (I John 2:1-11; 3:7-18)
(LD40) Thou Shalt Not Kill (I John 3)
(LD40) Do Not Murder! (I John 3)
(LD41) Two Holy States (Mark 10:1-16)
(LD41) Christ’s Most Avoided Instruction on Adultery (Luke 16)
(LD41) The Seventh Commandment (I Cor. 6)
(LD41) Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery! (I Cor. 6:9-7:11)
(LD41) Sexual Ethics (I Cor. 6:9-7:13)
(LD41) The Temple of the Holy Ghost and the Seventh Commandment (I Cor. 6:9-7:16)
(LD41) Faith and the Seventh Commandment (I Cor. 7:1-24)
(LD41) Adultery Forbidden (I Cor. 7:1-24)
(LD41) All Uncleanness is Accursed of God! (Eph. 5)
(LD41) The Requirements of the Seventh Commandment (Eph. 5)
(LD41) The Seventh Commandment and Our Affections (I Thess. 3:12-4:12)
(LD41) The Teaching of the Seventh Commandment (I Thess. 4)
(LD41) Marriage—Honourable in All (Heb. 13:4)
(LD41) Christian Husbands Avoiding Adultery (I Pet. 3:7)
(LD42) The Eighth Commandment (Lev. 19:9-37)
(LD42) Stealing! (Lev. 19:11-37)
(LD42) Stealing: The Sin of Achan (Josh. 7)
(LD42) Stealing in Job 1! (Job 1)
(LD42) Thou Shalt Not Steal! (Ps. 50)
(LD42) Brother Going to Law with Brother (I Cor. 6)
(LD42) No Stealing! (I Tim. 6)
(LD42) No Stealing (I Tim. 6)
(LD43) Lying Words (Ps. 12)
(LD43) Lies! (Ps. 140)
(LD43) The Selfishness of Lies (Prov. 19)
(LD43) Telling Lies (Zech. 8)
(LD43) Lies: The Proper Works of the Devil (John 8:31-59)
(LD43) Telling the Truth (John 18:19-40)
(LD43) Lying to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:1-11)
(LD43) Evil Communications (I Cor. 15:33)
(LD43) Bearing False Witness (Eph. 4:11-32)
(LD43) Lie Not One to Another (Col. 3:9-11)
(LD43) The Great Lie (I John 1)
(LD44) A Small Beginning (Ps. 140)
(LD44) Covetousness (Matt. 13:10-23, 44-52)
(LD44) Beware of Covetousness (Luke 12:13-21)
(LD44) The Unique Role of the Tenth Commandment (Rom. 7:7-25)
(LD44) The Tenth Commandment (Phil. 3)
(LD44) Thou Shalt Not Covet (Phil. 4)
(LD44) Covetousness Is Idolatry (Col. 3:1-7)
(LD44) The Tenth of the Ten Commandments (I Tim. 1)
(LD44) The Love of Money (I Tim. 6:9-10)
(LD44) The Strict Preaching of the Law (Jam. 1:18-2:13)
(LD44) Knowing Our Disordered Desires (II Pet. 2)
(LD45) The Plague of the Heart (I Kings 8:38)
(LD45) The Necessity of Prayer for Believers (Ps. 50)
(LD45) Prayer and the Honouring of God (Ps. 50)
(LD45) The Christian’s Prayers (Ps. 62)
(LD45) Christian Prayer (Ps. 86)
(LD45) The Christian’s Acceptable Prayer (Ps. 116)
(LD45) Prayer and the Sovereignty of God (Matt. 6:1-18)
(LD45) Prayer and Thankfulness (Luke 11:1-28)
(LD45) A Call to Prayer (Eph. 6:18-19)
(LD46) Praying to God Our Father (Ps. 103)
(LD46) Praying to Our Heavenly Father (Ps. 103)
(LD46) Our Merciful Father (Ps. 103)
(LD46) Praying to Our Father (Isa. 63:7-64:12)
(LD46) Praying to God Our Father (Matt. 6:1-18)
(LD46) “Our Father” (John 17)
(LD46) Praying Our Father (Rom. 8:5-34)
(LD46) The One to Whom We Pray (Eph. 3)
(LD46) Why “Our Father”? (I Thess. 2)
(LD46-47) Hallowing God’s Name (Isa. 40:12-31)
(LD47) Hallowed Be Thy Name! (Deut. 12:1-14)
(LD47) Praying Soli Deo Gloria (I Sam. 2:1-21)
(LD47) Hallowing God’s Worthy Name (Ps. 86)
(LD47) Giving Glory Where It Is Due (Ps. 115)
(LD47) Hallowing God’s Name in Our Hearts (Isa. 8)
(LD47) Hallowing God’s Name (Matt. 5:1-20)
(LD47) Hallowed Be Thy Name (John 17)
(LD47) Hallowing God’s Name and Christ’s High Priestly Prayer (John 17)
(LD47) Sanctifying God’s Name (Phil. 1)
(LD48) The Kingdom Is the Lord’s! (Ps. 22:22-31)
(LD48) The Coming of the Kingdom (Ps. 51)
(LD48) The Kingdom for Which We Pray (Ps. 72)
(LD48) Thy Kingdom Come (Isa. 52)
(LD48) The Kingdom We Pray For (Dan. 2:36-49)
(LD48) Thy Kingdom Come! (Luke 12:22-40)
(LD48) The Kingdom of God and the Second Petition (Col. 1:1-20)
(LD48) Praying for the Kingdom of God (Col. 1:1-22)
(LD48) Praying for the Coming of the Kingdom (I John 3)
(LD49) The Third Petition of the Lord’s Prayer (I Sam. 18)
(LD49) Thy Will Be Done Among the Nations! (Ps. 67)
(LD49) Thy Will Be Done! (Ps. 103)
(LD49) Praying for the Doing of God’s Will (Ps. 103)
(LD49) Thy Will Be Done (Ps. 119:9-32)
(LD49) Thy Will Be Done (Prov. 15:8-16:9)
(LD49) Thy Will, Not Mine! (Rom. 7)
(LD49) Thy Will Be Done! (Phil. 2)
(LD50) What It Means to Pray the Fourth Petition (Deut. 8)
(LD50) Receiving Our Daily Bread (Deut. 11:1-21, 26-32)
(LD50) Possessions and Prayers (I Chron. 29:6-19)
(LD50) Praying for Our Daily Bread (Ps. 145)
(LD50) Praying the Fourth Petition (Matt. 6)
(LD50) Praying for Daily Bread (Matt. 6:19-34)
(LD50) Our Prayer for Daily Bread (Phil. 4)
(LD50) Christian Contentment (Phil. 4)
(LD51) Forgive Us Our Debts (Ps. 32)
(LD51) The Christian and God’s Forgiveness (Ps. 32)
(LD51) Praying for the Forgiveness of Sins (Ps. 32)
(LD51) The Prayer for Forgiveness (Ps. 32)
(LD51) Forgive Us Our Debts! (Ps. 51)
(LD51) Praying for the Forgiveness of Sins (Ps. 145)
(LD51) The Incomparable Pardoning God (Micah 7:18-20)
(LD51) Forgive Us Our Debts (Zech. 3)
(LD51) The Unmerciful Servant (Matt. 18:23-35)
(LD51) The Forgiveness of Debts (Matt. 18:23-35)
(LD51) The Forgiveness of Spiritual Debts (I John 1:1-2:2)
(LD51) Praying for Forgiveness (I John 1:5-2:14)
(LD52) Lead Us Not Into Temptation (Deut. 8)
(LD52) Praying the Sixth Petition (Judg. 16:1-22)
(LD52) Lead Us Not Into Temptation (II Sam. 24)
(LD52) A Fitting Prayer at the Start of the Year (Matt. 18:23-35)
(LD52) Temptations Arising From the Coronavirus Lockdown (I Cor. 10:1-24)
(LD52) Lead Us Not Into Temptation (Jam. 1)
(LD52) In Ourselves, We Cannot Stand a Moment! (Jam. 4)
(LD52) Deliver Us From Evil (I Pet. 5)
(LD52) Concluding Our Prayer (I Chron. 29)
(LD52) Concluding the Model Prayer (II Cor. 1:18-2:17)