On this webpage, aspects of the history of the CPRC are related by means of articles, audios, charts, conferences, lectures, letters, photos, programmes, reports, sermons, speeches, videos, etc.
(1) Letters to the Protestant Reformed Churches in the US and Canada (2008-2024)
(2) Articles
- Speaking Personally (2004) (Portuguese)
- Cast Thy Bread … Upon the World Wide Web! (2009)
- The RFPA, the CPRC and the Spread of the Truth (2018)
- The CPRC: Past and Present (2023)
(3) Charts of Translations
- 13 May, 2013
- 2 July, 2015
- 30 May, 2016
- 22 September, 2018
- 28 October, 2020
- 1 September, 2021
- 29 June, 2022
- 20 September, 2023
- 18 September, 2024
(4) Special Occasions
Rev. Angus Stewart’s Ordination (4 July, 2001)
- The Pastor’s Jealousy for the Church’s Purity (II Cor. 11:2-3) – Prof. B. Gritters
Organization as an Instituted Church (2 August, 2006)
- The Foundation of God Standeth Sure (II Tim. 2:19) – Prof. H. Hanko
Rev. Martyn McGeown’s Ordination (30 July, 2010)
- Programme of the Ordination Service for Martyn McGeown
- The Missionary as Soldier, Athlete, and Farmer (II Tim. 2:3-6)
- The Ordination of Rev. McGeown as CPRC Missionary to Limerick
- Ordination Service of Rev. Martyn McGeown (photos)
Dedication of Church Building (1-5 August, 2010)
- CPRC Church Building (includes 24 photos from May, 2009 to 4 March, 2010)
- The Construction of the CPRC Church Building (91 photos from early March to early August, 2010)
- The Dedication of David’s House (I) (Ps. 30) (1 August, 2010)
- The Dedication of David’s House (II) (Ps. 30) (1 August, 2010)
- Programme of the Dedication of the CPRC Church Building (5 August, 2010)
- Ichabod (I Sam. 4:19-22) (5 August, 2010) – Prof. H. Hanko
- New Church Building for the CPRC in N. Ireland!
Farewell to Prof. and Mrs. Engelsma (24 July, 2022)
(5) Mini-Conferences
Prof. Herman Hanko, The Antithesis (5-6 December, 2003)
- The Idea of the Antithesis (5 December, 2003)
- The Antithesis and the Truth (6 December, 2003)
- The Antithesis and the World (6 December, 2003)
Rev. Carl Haak, Looking for the Glorious Appearing of Our Saviour (16 March, 2013)
- Looking for the Glorious Appearing of Our Saviour (I) (Titus 2:11-15)
- Looking for the Glorious Appearing of Our Saviour (II) (Luke 21:25-38)
Prof. David Engelsma, The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (21 October – 3 November, 2017)
- Martin Luther: Theologian of the Glory of God (Rom. 3:19-31) (21 October, 2017)
- Justification in Paul and in James (21 October, 2017)
- Martin Luther: Man of Conviction (Ps. 46) (27 October, 2017)
- John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Covenant (Gal. 3:15-29) (3 November, 2017)
Prof. David Engelsma, Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Synod of Dordt (13 April – 1 May, 2019)
- The Onset of the Great War: Ecclesiastical and Doctrinal (13 April, 2019)
- The Confession of the Gospel (of Grace): The “Five Points of Calvinism” (as the Content of the Canons of Dordt) (13 April, 2019)
- The Defence of the Gospel: The Rejection of Errors (Rom. 9:14-16) (17 April, 2019)
- The Other Decisions of the Dordt Synod and Their Importance for the Reformed Churches Today (Acts 15) (1 May, 2019)