(1) The Abrahamic Blessing (Gen. 12:2-3)
(2) The Call of Abraham (Gen. 12:1-20)
(3) Abraham and Lot Separate (Gen. 13)
(4) Abraham Rescues Lot (Gen. 14)
(5) Abraham Reckoned Righteous (Gen. 15:1-6)
(6) Abraham’s Vision of the Covenant (Gen. 15:7-21)
(7) The Birth of Ishmael (Gen. 16)
(8) God’s Covenant with Abraham and His Seed (Gen. 17)
(9) Abraham Entertains Angels (Gen. 18:1-15)
(10) Abraham Intercedes for the Righteous (Gen. 18:16-33)
(11) Abraham and Abimelech (Gen. 20)
(12) The Birth of Isaac (21:1-21)
(13) Abraham Offers Up Isaac (Gen. 22:1-19)
(14) The Burial of Sarah (Gen. 23)
(15) A Bride for Isaac (Gen. 24)
(16) Abraham’s Last Days (Gen. 25:1-10)
(1) The Birth of Jacob (Gen. 25:21-26)
(2) The Doctrinal Significance of Jacob’s Birth (Rom. 9:10-13)
(3) Jacob Finagles the Birthright (Gen. 25:27-34)
(4) Jacob Hoodwinks Isaac (Gen. 27:1-40)
(5) That Fateful Day in Isaac’s Tent (Gen. 27:1-40)
(6) Jacob Departs for Padanaram (Gen. 27:41-28:9)
(7) Jacob’s Dream at Bethel (Gen. 28:10-15)
(8) Jacob’s Response to His Dream (Gen. 28:16-22)
(9) How Jacob Came to Marry Rachel and Leah (Gen. 29:1-30)
(10) How Jacob Came to Have Eleven Sons (Gen. 29:31-30:24)
(11) How Jacob Came by His Wealth (Gen. 30:25-43)
(12) Jacob and His Wives Decide to Leave Laban (Gen. 31:1-16)
(13) Jacob and Laban’s Confrontation at Galeed (Gen. 31:17-42)
(14) Jacob and Laban’s Covenant at Galeed (Gen. 31:43-55)
(15) Jacob’s Responses to Esau’s Approach (Gen. 32:1-21)
(16) Jacob’s Wrestling Match (Gen. 32:22-26)
(17) The Names Involved in Jacob’s Wrestling Match (Gen. 32:27-32)
(18) Jacob Meets Esau (Gen. 33:1-16)
(19) The Rape at Shechem (Gen. 33:18-34:4)
(20) The Stench at Shechem (Gen. 34:5-31)
(21) Back to Bethel! (Gen. 35:1-15)
(22) Jacob’s Three Bereavements (Gen. 35:8,16-29)
(23) Joseph, Jacob’s Favourite Son (Gen. 37:1-11)
(24) The “Death” of Jacob’s Favourite Son (Gen. 37:12-36)
(25) Judah and Tamar (Gen. 38)
(26) “All These Things Are Against Me” (Gen. 42:36)
(27) Jacob’s Struggles Before His Sons’ Second Egyptian Trip (Gen. 43:1-34)
(28) Jacob Sets Off for Egypt (Gen. 45:25-46:27)
(29) Jacob’s Two Significant Meetings (Gen. 46:28-47:12)
(30) Dying Jacob Visited Twice by Joseph (Gen. 47:27-48:22)
(31) Jacob’s Blessing of Joseph’s Two Sons (Gen. 48:15-16)
(32) Jacob’s Blessing of His Twelve Sons (Gen. 49)
(33) Jacob’s Last Words (Gen. 49)
(34) Jacob’s Burial in the Cave of Machpelah (Gen. 50:1-21)
(1) The Great Sight on Mount Horeb (Ex. 3:1-3)
(2) Moses Receives His Commission (Ex. 3:4-10)
(3) Who Am I? (Ex. 3:11-12)
(4) Whom Shall I Say Has Sent Me? (Ex. 3:13-15)
(5) Jehovah Outlines Moses’ Programme in Egypt (Ex. 3:16-22)
(6) But They Will Not Believe Me! (Ex. 4:1-9)
(7) I Am Not Eloquent! (Ex. 4:10-12)
(8) Send Someone Else! (Ex. 4:13-17)
(9) God Will Harden Pharaoh’s Heart (Ex. 4:18-23)
(10) Moses’ Three Significant Meetings (Ex. 4:24-31)
(1) The Making of the Golden Calf (Ex. 32:1-6)
(2) Moses’ Intercession for Israel (Ex. 32:7-14)
(3) Who Is on the Lord’s Side (Ex. 32:15-29)
(4) Blot Me Out of Thy Book! (Ex. 32:30-35)
(5) Seeking God Outside the Camp (Ex. 33:1-11)
(6) Moses’ Prayer for God’s Presence With Israel (Ex. 33:12-19)
(7) Jehovah Shows His Glory (Ex. 33:20-34:9)
(8) The Covenant Renewed (Ex. 34:10-28)
(9) Moses’ Shining Face (Ex. 34:29-35)
(1) The Burnt Offering (Lev. 1)
(2) The Peace Offering (Lev. 3)
(3) The Sin Offering (Lev. 4:22-5:13)
(4) The Ritual of the Sin Offering (Lev. 4:1-21)
(5) The Trespass Offering (Lev. 5:14-6:7)
(6) The Meat Offering (Lev. 2)
(1) The Failure of Balak’s First Embassy (Num. 22:1-14)
(2) The Mad Prophet Rebuked by his Dumb Ass (I) (Num. 22:15-35)
(3) The Mad Prophet Rebuked by his Dumb Ass (II) (Num. 22:15-35)
(4) Israel Not Reckoned Among the Nations (Num. 22-23:12)
(5) God Has Not Seen Iniquity in Israel (Num. 23:13-26)
(6) Israel’s Promised King Higher Than Agag (Num. 23-24:13)
(7) The Star Out of Jacob (Num. 24:14-25)
(1) Israel’s Chastisement (Judges 6:1-10)
(2) The Call of Gideon (Judges 6:11-16)
(3) The Angel of the Lord Vanishes (Judges 6:17-24)
(4) The Reformation in Ophrah (Judges 6:25-32)
(5) Gideon Prepared for the Battle (Judges 6:33-40)
(6) Too Many! (Judges 7:1-2)
(7) Sent Home Before the Battle (Judges 7:3-8)
(8) Encouragement Through an Enemy’s Dream (Judges 7:9-15)
(9) A Most “Unorthodox” Battle (Judges 7:16-22)
(10) Infighting in the Midst of Victory (Judges 7:23-8:3)
(11) Unsupportive Church Members Chastised (Judges 8:4-17)
(12) Temptations After Success (Judges 8:18-27)
(13) Lapsing in Later Years (Judges 8:28-35)
(1) Abimelech Gets Himself Made King (Judges 9:1-6)
(2) The Origin of Abimelech’s Kingship (Judges 9:1-6)
(3) Abimelech’s Coronation (Judges 9:6-7)
(4) Jotham’s Fable (Judges 9:7-21)
(5) God’s Judgment Upon Abimelech and Shechem (Judges 9:22-24)
(6) The Conspiracy of Gaal (Judges 9:25-41)
(7) Abimelech’s Last Days (Judges 9:42-57)
(1) Micah’s Idolatry (Judges 17:1-6)
(2) Micah’s New Priest (Judges 17:7-13)
(3) The Five Danite Spies (Judges 18:1-6)
(4) The Report of the Danite Spies (Judges 18:7-11)
(5) The Danites at the House of Micah (Judges 18:12-20)
(6) Micah’s Confrontation with the Danites (Judges 18:21-26)
(7) Idolatry Enshrined at Dan (Judges 18:27-31)
(1) What Sort of a Man Is This Levite? (Judges 19:1-21)
(2) The Outrage at Gibeah (Judges 19:22-30)
(3) A Whole Tribe Put Under Discipline! (Judges 20:1-17)
(4) Painful Church Discipline in Israel (Judges 20:18-25)
(5) Benjamin Nearly Wiped Out! (Judges 20:26-48)
(6) Benjamin Back From the Brink (Judges 21)
(1) From Bethlehem to Moab (Ruth 1:1-5)
(2) Elimelech’s Rationale for Moving to Moab (Ruth 1:1-5)
(3) Orpah Turns Back (Ruth 1:6-14)
(4) Ruth’s Godly Resolution to Move to Join the Church (Ruth 1:15-18)
(5) Ruth’s Amazing Faith in Moving to Join the Church (Ruth 1:15-18)
(6) Naomi Returns to the Church (Ruth 1:19-22)
(1) Israel Demands a King (I Sam. 8)
(2) Saul is Told He Will Be King (I Sam. 9:1-20)
(3) Saul is Anointed King Privately (I Sam. 9-10:16)
(4) Saul is Proclaimed King Publicly (I Sam. 10:17-27)
(5) The Renewal of Saul’s Kingship (I Sam. 11)
(6) Samuel’s Farewell Address (I Sam. 12)
(7) Saul’s Unlawful Sacrifice (I Sam. 13)
(8) The Lord Saves Israel (I Sam. 14:1-23)
(9) Saul’s Rash Oath (I Sam. 14:24-46)
(10) God Rejects Saul as King (I Sam. 14-15:12)
(11) Saul is Told of His Rejection (I Sam. 15:13-35)
(12) Saul Consults a Witch (I Sam. 28:3-25)
(13) Saul is Slain on Mt. Gilboa (I Sam. 31)
(1) David’s Response to Saul’s Death (II Sam. 1)
(2) The Beginning of David’s Kingdom (II Sam. 2:1-11)
(3) The Battle at Gibeon (II Sam. 2:12-32)
(4) Abner Changes Sides (II Sam. 3:1-27)
(5) David’s Response to Abner’s Death (II Sam. 3:28-39)
(6) Ishbosheth Assassinated (II Sam. 4)
(7) David King in Jerusalem (II Sam. 5)
(8) Uzzah Smitten (II Sam. 6:1-10)
(9) David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (II Sam. 6:11-23)
(10) David’s Desire to Build God’s House (II Sam. 7:1-17)
(11) David’s Humble Prayer (II Sam. 7:18-29)
(1) Amnon’s Incestuous Rape of Tamar (II Sam. 13:1-19)
(2) The Incestuous Rape of Tamar (II Sam. 13:1-22)
(3) David’s Impotent Anger at the Rape of Tamar (II Sam. 13:21)
(4) Absalom Murders Amnon (II Sam. 13:23-29)
(5) David’s Grief for Amnon (II Sam. 13:30-39)
(6) David Recalls Absalom to Jerusalem (II Sam. 14:1-24)
(7) Absalom Is Brought Into the King’s Presence (II Sam. 14:25-33)
(8) Absalom Steals the Hearts of the Men of Israel (II Sam. 15:1-6)
(9) Absalom Raises His Rebellion at Hebron (II Sam. 15:7-12)
(10) David Flees Jerusalem (II Sam. 15:13-23)
(11) David Ascends Mount Olivet (II Sam. 15:24-37)
(12) Opportunism at Mount Olivet (II Sam. 16:1-4)
(13) Shimei Curses David (II Sam. 16:5-8)
(14) Two Reactions to Shimei’s Cursing (II Sam. 16:9-14)
(15) Absalom’s Two Miserable Counsellors (II Sam. 16:15-23)
(16) Absalom and Three Counsels (II Sam. 17:1-14)
(17) David’s Escape Across the Jordan (II Sam. 17:15-29)
(18) Absalom Hanging From a Tree (II Sam. 18:1-18)
(19) David Mourns for Absalom (II Sam. 18:19-33)
(1) Old, Cold David (I Kings 1:1-4)
(2) Adonijah Becomes King (I Kings 1:5-10)
(3) Solomon Shall Be King (I Kings 1:11-31)
(4) David Orders Solomon’s Enthronement (I Kings 1:32-40)
(5) Solomon Is Enthroned (I Kings 1:38-40)
(6) The End of Adonijah’s Schism (I Kings 1:41-53)
(7) David’s Final Commands to Solomon (I Kings 2:1-12)
(8) Adonijah’s Second Bid for the Crown (I Kings 2:13-25)
(9) Abiathar’s Deposition (I Kings 2:26-27)
(10) Joab Is Executed (I Kings 2:28-35)
(11) Shimei’s Confinement and Execution (I Kings 2:36-46)
(12) Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom (I Kings 3:1-15)
(13) Two Prostitutes and Their Baby Boys (I Kings 3:16-28)
(14) Wise Solomon’s Cabinet and Table (I Kings 4:1-19)
(15) Solomon’s Glorious Reign (I Kings 4:20-28)
(16) Solomon’s Amazing Wisdom (I Kings 4:29-34)
(17) Solomon’s Preparations for Building the Temple (II Chron. 2)
(18) Solomon Builds the Temple Structure (II Chron. 3:1-9)
(19) Drawing Near to God Through the Temple (II Chron. 3:10-17)
(20) The Inner Court of Solomon’s Temple (II Chron. 4:1-10)
(21) Within the Holy Place (II Chron. 4:11-22)
(22) Within the Holy of Holies (II Chron. 3:8-14)
(23) The Dedication of Solomon’s Temple (II Chron. 5)
(24) Solomon’s Explanation of the Glory Cloud (I Kings 8:12-13)
(25) Solomon’s Two Blessings at the Temple’s Dedication (II Chron. 6:3-11)
(26) Solomon’s Dedicatory Prayer (I Kings 8:22-53)
(27) The Climax of the Temple’s Dedication (II Chron. 7:1-11)
(28) Solomon’s Second Revelatory Dream (II Chron. 7:11-22)
(29) Solomon’s Mid-Reign Prosperity (II Chron. 8)
(30) The Queen of Sheba Travels to Jerusalem (I Kings 10:1-5)
(31) The Visit of the Queen of Sheba (II Chron. 9:5-12)
(32) Solomon’s Fantastic Wealth (I Kings 10:14-29)
(33) Solomon’s Many Women (I Kings 11:1-3)
(34) Solomon’s Heathen Women (I Kings 11:1-4)
(35) Solomon’s Wicked Idolatry (I Kings 11:4-10)
(36) The Lord Rebukes Solomon (I Kings 11:11-25)
(37) The End of Israel’s Wisest King (I Kings 11:26-43)
(1) The Appearance of Elijah (I Kings 17:1)
(2) Elijah at Cherith (I Kings 17:2-7)
(3) Elijah Sustained at Zarephath (I Kings 17:8-16)
(4) The Raising of the Widow’s Son (I Kings 17:17-24)
(5) Elijah’s Second Confrontation with Ahab (I Kings 18:1-20)
(6) Baal’s Failure to Answer by Fire (I Kings 18:21-29)
(7) Jehovah Answers by Fire (I Kings 18:30-40)
(8) The Abundant Rain (I Kings 18:41-46)
(9) From Carmel to the Wilderness (I Kings 19:1-8)
(10) The Still, Small Voice (I Kings 19:9-18)
(11) The Call of Elisha (I Kings 19:19-21)
(12) The Curse upon Ahab (I Kings 21:17-29)
(13) Ahaziah’s Fatal Fall (II Kings 1)
(14) Elijah’s Ascension into Heaven (II Kings 2:1-18)
(1) Jehoshaphat’s Godly Beginning (II Chron. 17)
(2) Jehoshaphat’s Marital Alliance with Ahab (II Chron. 18:1)
(3) Jehoshaphat’s Military Alliance with Ahab (I) (II Chron. 18:2-3)
(4) Jehoshaphat’s Military Alliance with Ahab (II) (II Chron. 18:4-34)
(5) Jehoshaphat’s Restoration (II Chron. 19)
(6) Jehoshaphat’s Military Victory (II Chron. 20:1-30)
(7) Jehoshaphat’s Commercial Alliance with Ahaziah (II Chron. 20:31-37)
(8) Jehoshaphat’s Military Alliance with Jehoram (II Kings 3)
(1) Baby Joash’s Wonderful Deliverance (II Chron. 22:10-12)
(2) Boy Joash’s Successful Coronation (II Chron. 23)
(3) King Joash’s Temple Repairs (II Chron. 24:1-14)
(4) Apostate Joash’s Bad End (II Chron. 24:15-27)
(1) Nehemiah’s Godly Concern for Jerusalem (Neh. 1)
(2) Nehemiah’s Ejaculatory Prayer in the Palace (Neh. 2:1-8)
(3) Nehemiah’s Night Ride (Neh. 2:9-20)
(4) The Topography of the City of God (Neh. 3)
(5) Building the Walls of Jerusalem (Neh. 3)
(6) Rightly Responding to Mockery (Neh. 4:1-6)
(7) Defending the Walls of Jerusalem (Neh. 4:7-23)
(8) Internal Injustice (Neh. 5)
(9) Five Messages From Sanballat (Neh. 6:1-9)
(10) Continual Opposition to Nehemiah (Neh. 6:10-19)
(11) After the Wall Is Completed (Neh. 7)
(12) The Feast of Trumpets by the Water Gate (Neh. 8:1-12)
(13) A Great Feast of Tabernacles (Neh. 8:13-18)
(14) The Levitical Prayer on the Day of Fasting (Neh. 9)
(15) The Covenant Sealed in Nehemiah’s Day (Neh. 10:1-29)
(16) The Specific Stipulations of the Nehemiah Covenant (Neh. 10:30-39)
(17) The Repopulating of Jerusalem (Neh. 11)
(18) The Dedication of Jerusalem’s Wall (Neh. 12:1-43)
(19) Nehemiah’s Cleansing of the Temple (Nehemiah 12:44-13:9)
(20) Unpaid Ministers! (Neh. 13:10-14)
(21) Sabbath Profanation in Nehemiah’s Judah (Neh. 13:15-22)
(22) Mixed Marriages in Judah (Neh. 13:23-31)
(1) The Raging Heathen (Ps. 2:1-3)
(2) The Laughing God (Ps. 2:4-6)
(3) The Begotten Son (Ps. 2:7)
(4) The Messianic Kingdom (Ps. 2:8-9)
(5) The Gospel Call (Ps. 2:10-12)
(1) The City of God (Ps. 48:1-2)
(2) Knowing God as Our Refuge (Ps. 48:3-8)
(3) Thinking of God’s Lovingkindness (Ps. 48:9-11)
(4) Numbering Zion’s Towers (Ps. 48:12-14)
(1) Drowning in the Depths (Ps. 69:1-4)
(2) The Persecutions of the Godly (Ps. 69:5-8)
(3) Zeal for God’s House (Ps. 69:9a)
(4) Where Reproaches Fall (Ps. 69:9b)
(5) Godly and Ungodly Responses (Ps. 69:10-13)
(6) Comfort in Trouble (Ps. 69:14-19)
(7) “Let Their Table Become a Snare” (Ps. 69:20-22)
(8) “Pour Out Thine Indignation Upon Them (Ps. 69:23-25)
(9) “Add Iniquity Unto Their Iniquity” (Ps. 69:26-28)
(10) The Prayer and Song of the Poor (Ps. 69:29-33)
(11) Cosmic Praise for God the Saviour (Ps. 69:34-36)
(1) The Saint Setting Out (Ps. 120)
(2) The Saint On His Way (Ps. 121)
(3) The Saint at His Arrival (Ps. 122)
(4) Looking to the Lord (Ps. 123)
(5) If It Had Not Been for the Lord! (Ps. 124)
(6) The Church’s Security (Ps. 125)
(7) Returning From Captivity (Ps. 126)
(8) The Necessity of God’s Blessing (Ps. 127)
(9) The Blessed God-Fearer (Ps. 128)
(10) Afflicted Israel Sings (Ps. 129)
(11) Out of the Depths (Ps. 130)
(12) The Saint as a Weaned Child (I) (Ps. 131:1)
(13) The Saint as a Weaned Child (II) (Ps. 131:2-3)
(14) Pleading the Davidic Covenant (Ps. 132)
(15) The Blessedness of Church Unity (Ps. 133)
(16) Many Blessings in God’s Church (Ps. 134)
(1) The Lord High and Lifted Up (Isa. 6:1)
(2) Holy, Holy, Holy! (Isa. 6:2-4)
(3) A Man of Unclean Lips! (Isa. 6:5)
(4) Here Am I; Send Me! (Isa. 6:6-8)
(5) Isaiah’s Call to Preach (I) (Isa. 6:9-10)
(6) Isaiah’s Call to Preach (II) (Isa. 6:9-10)
(7) Lord, How Long? (Isa. 6:11-13)
(1) Woe to the Crown of Pride! (Isa. 28:1-5)
(2) Erring Through Wine (Isa. 28:5-8)
(3) Precept Upon Precept; Line Upon Line (Isa. 28:9-13)
(1) The Rock Whence We are Hewn (Isa. 51:1-3)
(2) God’s Righteousness and Salvation (Isa. 51:4-6)
(3) Fear Not the Reproach of Men! (Isa. 51:7-8)
(4) Arm of the Lord, Awake! (Isa. 51:9-11)
(5) Fearing Man and Forgetting God (Isa. 51:12-15)
(6) The Prophetic Church and the New Creation (Isa. 51:16)
(7) Drunken Jerusalem, Awake! (Isa. 51:17-23)
(8) Desecrated Jerusalem, Awake! (Isa. 52:1-6)
(9) Good Tidings for Zion (Isa. 52:7-10)
(10) Depart From Babylon! (Isa. 52:11-12)
(1) Keeping the Sabbath in Babylon (Isa. 56:1-2)
(2) The Eunuchs Who Keep God’s Sabbaths (Isa. 56:3-5)
(3) The Gentiles Who Keep God’s Sabbath (Isa. 56:3, 6-8)
(4) Sabbath Desecration in Babylon (Isa. 56:9-12)
(1) Mentioning Jehovah’s Lovingkindness (Isa. 63:7-8)
(2) Jehovah Afflicted With His People (Isa. 63:9)
(3) Vexing God’s Holy Spirit (Isa. 63:10)
(4) God’s Remembering the Days of Old (Isa. 63:11-14)
(5) The Desolate Church Appeals to Father (Isa. 63:15-16)
(6) Jehovah’s Hardening His Church’s Heart (Isa. 63:17-19)
(7) Rend the Heavens and Come Down! (Isa. 64:1-3)
(8) The God Who Acts for Those Who Wait for Him (Isa. 64:4)
(9) The Church’s Moving Confession (Isa. 64:5-6)
(10) The Prayerless Church Appeals to Father (Isa. 64:7-8)
(11) Spreading Out Our Miseries Before the Lord (Isa. 64:9-12)
(1) Ezekiel’s Guided Tour of the Temple Abominations (Eze. 8)
(2) Seven Angels and the Slaughter in Jerusalem (Eze. 9)
(3) God’s Chariot Leaves the Temple (Eze. 10)
(4) The Caldron and the Flesh (Eze. 11:1-13)
(5) A Gracious Heart Transplant (Eze. 11:14-25)
(1) A Place for the Spreading of Nets! (Eze. 26)
(2) The Ship of Tyre (Eze. 27)
(3) “I Am a God” (Eze. 28:1-10)
(4) The King of Tyre in Eden (Eze. 28:11-19)
(1) The Valley of Dry Bones (Eze. 37:1-14)
(2) The Union of the Two Sticks (Eze. 37:15-20)
(3) The Restoration of the Davidic Kingdom (Eze. 37:21-28)
(4) The Attack of Gog and Magog (Eze. 38:1-23)
(5) The Destruction of Gog and Magog (Eze. 39)
(1) Babylonian Cultural Assimilation (Dan. 1:1-8)
(2) Four Wise Teenagers in Babylon (Dan. 1:8-21)
(3) Nebuchadnezzar’s Troubling Dream (Dan. 2:1-13)
(4) The Godly Reaction of Daniel and His Friends (Dan. 2:14-18)
(5) The God Who Reveals Secrets (Dan. 2:19-30)
(6) Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Great Image (Dan. 2:31-45)
(7) Nebuchadnezzar’s Response to the Interpretation of His Dream (Dan. 2:46-49)
(8) The Image Erected by Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 3:1)
(9) The Dedication of Nebuchadnezzar’s Golden Image (Dan. 3:2-7)
(10) The Trial of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Dan. 3:8-18)
(11) The Three Friends and the Fiery Furnace (Dan. 3:19-27)
(12) Nebuchadnezzar’s Second Theodicy (Dan. 3:28-30)
(13) Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Great Tree (Dan. 4:4-12, 20-22)
(14) Nebuchadnezzar’s Boanthropy (Dan. 4:13-19; 23-33)
(15) Nebuchadnezzar’s Confession That the Most High Rules (Dan. 4:1-3, 34-37)
(16) Belshazzar’s Drinking Party (Dan. 5:1-4)
(17) The Writing on the Wall (Dan. 5:5-9)
(18) Daniel Is Brought Before King Belshazzar (Dan. 5:10-16)
(19) Daniel’s Admonition of Belshazzar (Dan. 5:17-24)
(20) Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin (Dan. 5:25-28)
(21) Babylon Is Fallen, Is Fallen! (Dan. 5:29-31)
(22) The Plot to Destroy Daniel (Dan. 6:1-9)
(23) True Prayer Prohibited (Dan. 6:10-11)
(24) The Trap Is Sprung! (Dan. 6:12-18)
(25) Daniel’s Deliverance From the Lion’s Den (Dan. 6:19-28)
(1) Jonah Flees God’s Missionary Call (Jonah 1:1-3)
(2) Jonah Flees From God’s Presence (Jonah 1:3)
(3) Jonah Flees to Tarshish (Jonah 1:3-5)
(4) God Pursues Jonah (Jonah 1:6-10)
(5) Jonah Is Cast Into the Sea (Jonah 1:11-16)
(6) Jonah’s Prayer From the Fish’s Belly (Jonah 2)
(7) Salvation Is of the Lord! (Jonah 2:9)
(8) The Sign of the Prophet Jonah (Matt. 12:39-40)
(9) Jonah’s Missionary Call Is Renewed (Jonah 3:1-2)
(10) Nineveh Repents! (Jonah 3:4-9)
(11) The One Greater Than Jonah (Luke 11:30, 32)
(12) God’s Repentance Concerning Nineveh (Jonah 3:10)
(13) Jonah’s Anger at Nineveh’s Salvation (Jonah 4:1-2)
(14) Jonah Expostulates With God (Jonah 4:2-4)
(15) Jonah Stews in His Booth (Jonah 4:5-8)
(16) Jonah’s Anger for the Gourd (Jonah 4:9)
(17) The Lesson of Jonah’s Gourd (Jonah 4:10-11)
(18) Jonah’s Prophecy of Prosperity in Jeroboam II’s Days (II Kings 14:23-29)
(1) The Utter Consumption of All Things (Zeph. 1:1-6)
(2) The Day of the Lord’s Sacrifice (Zeph. 1:7-11)
(3) The Great Day of the Lord (Zeph. 1:12-18)
(4) The Day of the Lord (Zeph. 1:14-18)
(5) The Day of the Lord’s Anger: Its Imperatives (Zeph. 2:1-3)
(6) The Desolation of the Nations Close By (Zeph. 2:4-11)
(7) The Desolation of the Nations Far Off (Zeph. 2:12-15)
(8) Woe to the Oppressing City! (Zeph. 3:1-5)
(9) Instruction, Destruction and Confession (Zeph. 3:6-10)
(10) The Day of the Church’s Singing (Zeph. 3:11-15)
(11) The Day of the Lord’s Singing (Zeph. 3:16-20)
(1) The Rider Upon the Red Horse (Zech. 1:7-17)
(2) The Four Horns and the Four Carpenters (Zech. 1:18-21)
(3) The Man With a Measuring Line (Zech. 2)
(4) Joshua Standing Before the Angel of the Lord (Zech. 3:1-5)
(5) God’s Priestly Royal Servant (Zech. 3:6-10)
(6) The Golden Candlestick (Zech. 4:1-6)
(7) Divine Promises for Building God’s Temple (Zech. 4:7-14)
(8) The Flying Scroll (Zech. 5:1-4)
(9) The Ephah That Goes Forth (Zech. 5:5-11)
(10) The Four Chariots (Zech. 6:1-8)
(11) The Crowning of Joshua (Zech. 6:9-15)
(1) God’s Preservation of Besieged Jerusalem (Zech. 12:1-9)
(2) The Pierced One and the Spirit of Grace (Zech. 12:10-14)
(3) A Fountain Opened (Zech. 13:1)
(4) The Departure of the False Prophets (Zech. 13:2-6)
(5) The Sword Awakening Against God’s Shepherd (Zech. 13:7-9)
(6) Zechariah’s Day of the Lord (Zech. 14:1-15)
(7) Jehovah’s Gracious Kingship Universally Affirmed (Zech. 14:1-15)
(8) All Nations Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles (Zech. 14:16-19)
(9) Holiness Unto the Lord! (Zech. 14:20-21)
(1) God’s Doubted Love Demonstrated (Mal. 1:2-5)
(2) Worshipping God With Polluted Sacrifices (Mal. 1:6-8)
(3) Unacceptable Worship (Mal. 1:9-14)
(4) God’s Commandment to the Corrupt Priests (Mal. 2:1-4)
(5) The Covenant With Levi (Mal. 2:5-9)
(6) Judah’s Treacherous Dealings (Mal. 2:10-12)
(7) Marital Treachery (Mal. 2:13-16)
(8) The Messenger of the Covenant Coming to His Temple (Mal. 2:17-3:1)
(9) Christ Purifying the Sons of Levi (Mal. 3:2-6)
(10) Robbing God (Mal. 3:7-12)
(11) The Profit of Serving God (Mal. 3:13-4:3)
(12) God-Fearers Speaking One to Another (Mal. 3:16-18)
(13) The Coming of Elijah (Mal. 4:4-6)