Showing 1–20 of 182 results
Marvin Kamps (512 pp. Hardback, £22.00)
A gripping account of one man’s struggle against a spiritually desolate state church, this book witnesses to the sole authority of sacred scripture and the binding authority of the Reformed creeds.
Herman Hoeksema (352 pp. Hardback)
Rich sermons on selected passages from the key epistle to the Hebrews
David J. Engelsma (160 pp. Hardback)
Engelsma defends Belgic Confession 28, biblical and Reformed church membership, and Bound to Joinfrom critical reviewers and house-church radicals.
Herman Hanko (352 pp. Hardback)
Prof. Hanko’s superb commentary on I Peter is full of comfort, instruction and hope for every believer on his difficult pilgrimage to the celestial city.
Herman Hoeksema (84 pp. Ring Binder)
Defence of the power of the gospel against several well-meant offer men, including Abraham Kuyper’s son.
edited by Calvin Kalsbeek (752 pp. Hardback)
The encouraging story of a true church of Jesus Christ, this centenary book reveals the secrets of her continuance as a faithful church today and gives like-minded churches hope for tomorrow.
Jason Kortering (75 pp. Softback)
Contains seven chapters on the last things, including the four horsemen, the 144,000, the locusts from the abyss and the little book.
Gertrude Hoeksema (416 pp. Hardback)
A brief history of the Protestant Reformed Churches tracing the denomination’s roots, birth and development.
Jerome Zanchius (126 pp. Softback)
Clear and compelling arguments by an Italian Reformer on election and reprobation, and why predestination must be preached.
Herman Hoeksema (xi + 321 pp, Hardback)
These 46 meditations by Herman Hoeksema, in the third volume of the Reformed Spirituality series, demonstrate that genuine spirituality rises from and ends in the glory of the only good God.
edited by David Engelsma (318 pp. Softback)
This superb book traces the continuing reformation in the Netherlands in the 17th and 19th centuries and in the Protestant Reformed Churches in North America in the twentieth century. Of great value to all seeking church reformation in our day!
Michael Kimmitt (48 pp. Softback)
What does baptism mean? How should the water be applied? Who are to be baptized? Simple, clear, biblical arguments contrary to oft-repeated but unproven baptistic assertions.
David J. Engelsma (304 pp. Hardback)
Doctrinal church history as it should be written! Vital theology, Reformed church polity, missions, heresy and the dirty tricks of schismatics—they are all here in this book on God’s gracious, unconditional covenant, in connection with a crucial document in PRC history.
David Engelsma and Herman Hanko (156 pp. Softback)
What is sanctification? How is it related to justification? What is the error of antinomianism? What is the role of the law in sanctification? This book covers all this and much more, and exhorts us all to holiness!
Herman Hoeksema (772 pp. Hardback, Read on-line)
The best, detailed, amillennial interpretation of Revelation, giving hope and comfort to believers.
Connie Meyer (Spiral Bound)
Teacher’s manuals for art education from a Reformed viewpoint. The lessons for ages 4-11 teach the elements of art: line, shape, texture, colour, value and form.
The Reformed Biblical Truth of the End
David Engelsma and Andrew Lanning (174 pp. Softback)
Treats our Lord’s return in connection with the beast from the sea and the two witnesses of Revelation 11; great apostasy, abounding lawlessness and disorderliness; the hopeful creation and the final judgment; and even Methuselah and J. N. Darby!
Herman Hoeksema (159 pp. Hardback)
Sets forth the relationship between infant baptism and the covenant. Includes a fine refutation of baptismal regeneration.
Various (416 pp. Softback)
365 Meditations on all of the 37 articles of the Belgic Confession (1561).
David Engelsma (150 pp. Softback)
Down-to-earth teaching on sex, marriage, divorce and single life from I Corinthians 6-7.