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Showing 41–60 of 182 results

  • £15.00

    Herman Hanko  (304 pp. Hardback, £15.00)

    This eminently practical book gives instruction for living the Christian life in many of its aspects. A salient feature is the relation between justification and works, explained by the examples of Abraham and Rahab.

  • £8.00

    edited by Herman Hanko   (195 pp. Softback)

    Short essays setting forth the important place of women in the body of Christ. Includes “The Calling of the Truly Liberated Woman.”

  • £8.00

    David Engelsma   (252 pp. Hardback)

    This superb book eradicates the Federal Vision root and branch (part 1) and answers dozens of questions in part 2 dealing with Federal Vision advocates, conditions, the covenant with Adam, covenant children, the doctrines of grace, etc.

  • For God's Glory and the Church's Consolation

    400 Years of the Synod of Dordt

    Ronald Cammenga, editor (320 pp. Softback, £13.00)

    This powerful book defends and promotes the Bible’s teachings on God’s sovereign grace as systematized in the Canons of Dordt (1618-1619) with a special focus on the gospel call, the covenant, reprobation and assurance. It also covers the significance, polemics, sessions and church polity of Dordt.


  • £27.00

    Herman Hanko   (567 pp. Hardback)

    Traces the roots of the PRC in the Netherlands and the Christian Reformed Church, before treating its development of the truths of miracles, revelation, Scripture, particular grace, the covenant, marriage, etc. Includes 23 pages of newspaper cuttings, photos, etc., significant for PRC history.

  • £8.00

    Herman Hanko  (236 pp. Softback)

    Sets forth the beauty of God’s covenant as it unfolds in the Scriptures. Relates the covenant to Christ, predestination, Canaan, etc.

  • £7.00

    Herman Hoeksema   (144 pp. Softback)

    A fine biblical and polemical treatment against a gainsayer that cuts his alleged “triple cord” to ribbons.

  • £3.00

    Malcolm H. Watts   (62 pp. Softback, £3.00)

    A clear and convincing presentation of exclusive psalmody, refuting Iain Murray’s The Psalter—The Only Hymnal

  • £8.00

    Gise VanBaren   (157 pp. Softback)

    The true story of a woman’s struggle with Lou Gehrig’s disease.

  • £24.00

    David Engelsma   (528 pp. Hardback)

    Justification by faith alone—the article of a standing or a falling church and always precious to the child of God.

  • £10.00

    Connie Meyer   (160 pp. Hardback)

    The gripping story of a medieval monk persecuted by a corrupt church for the truth of double predestination and Christ’s particular atonement. Informative, delightful and challenging!

  • £18.00

    Martyn McGeown   (384 pp. Hardback)

    A brief commentary which emphasizes the comforting message of the Canons: being wholly saved by God’s grace comes with the steadfast assurance of eternal and unchangeable election.

  • £8.00

    Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

    written by various authors including the editor, Ronald Cammenga  (208 pp. Softback)

    This excellent book celebrates God’s work in the sixteenth-century Reformation over against Romanism and Anabaptism, highlighting the recovery and development of the truth concerning Scripture, the office of believer, worship, etc.

  • His Friends and Servants

    Tell His Wonders Series, volume 2 

    Nathan Langerak (95 pp. Hardback)

    Engrossing Old Testament stories for children with beautiful artwork.


  • His Mercy Endureth Forever

    Kathleen DeJong (32 pp. Hardback, £8.00)

    Fitting and lovely pictures for young children illustrating the Bible history and worship of Psalm 136 with its great refrain: “for his mercy endureth forever.”

  • Humble Servant: Teen Devotional on the Gospel of John

    Abby Van Solkema (106 pp., softback)

    Second in a series of teen devotionals on the Gospel of John (chapters 5-9)


  • £9.00

    David Engelsma   (224 pp. Softback)

    Third Edition. Defence of sovereign, particular grace in the preaching of the gospel against the Arminian error that God desires to save everyone, including the reprobate.

  • I Believe: Sermons on the Apostles' Creed by Herman Hoeksema

    Herman Hoeksema   (336 pp. Hardback)

    A collection of insightful and profound sermons on the Apostles’ Creed.

  • I Belong by Joyce Holstege

    Joyce Holstege (Hardback)

    A picture book for ages 4-7 that explains each comforting phrase of Heidelberg Catechism, Question and Answer 1.


  • I Remember Herman Hoeksema by David Engelsma

    David J. Engelsma  (112 pp. Softback)

    Recollections of Herman Hoeksema from a student and spiritual son.

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