Showing 61–80 of 182 results
Abraham Kuyper (68 pp. Softback)
This challenging and easily understood little book answers that important question, “What is expected of me after I make confession of faith?”
Homer C. Hoeksema (144 pp. Softback) Read this book for the faith-strengthening, Bible-affirming, God-honouring truth of divine creation in six days, against the many compromises with evolutionism.
Herman Hoeksema (116 pp. Softback)
This book discusses true prayer using the Lord’s Prayer as the perfect model of intercession and fellowship with the Father.
Tell His Wonders Series, volume 1
Nathan Langerak (100 pp. Hardback)
Gripping Old Testament stories for children with beautiful artwork.
Ron Hanko (160 pp. Hardback)
A short comforting commentary on the book of Job emphasizing God’s sovereignty over all things, even our trials and suffering.
Mike Velthouse (98 pp., softback)
An insightful 30-day devotional on the Psalms
Lois Kregel (144 pp. Softback)
Penned by his youngest daughter, this is a moving, personal, anecdotal history of Herman Hoeksema and his family from the “inside.”
Herman Hanko (437 pp. Hardback)
Prof. Hanko clearly and warmly expounds Galatians, emphasizing justification by faith alone, as well as the liberty this grand truth gives to the people of God (as opposed to the heresies of the New Perspective on Paul and the Federal Vision).
David Engelsma & Herman Hanko (101 pp. Softback)
Practical directions on how we must keep God’s covenant in marriage, in the home, in training our children, in the church and in antithetical living. On-line study guide questions are available.
Herman Hoeksema (152 pp. Softback)
The 13 chapters include “God is God,” “God is Love,” “Man, a Living Soul” and “Man and the Universality of Sin and Death.”
Commentary on II Peter
Mark Hoeksema (96 pp. Hardback, £8.00)
An excellent short commentary on a short NT epistle: II Peter, covering God’s exceeding great and precious promises, etc. (ch. 1), heretics and their wicked ways (ch. 2), and the last days and our calling (ch. 3).
(100 pp. Tapa blanda)
Catecismo de Heidelberg, Confesión Belga, Cánones de Dordt y Credos Ecuménicos
Cornelius Hanko (56 pp. Softback)
Treats courtship and preparation for marriage.
Cornelius Hanko (261 pp. Softback, £6.50)
The personal memoirs of Rev. Cornelius Hanko (1907-2005), a faithful Reformed minister and servant of Jesus Christ, who laboured alongside Herman Hoeksema.
Shirley Casemier (208 pp. Softback)
Historical fiction in the form of letters from Martin Luther’s wife to her friend Ave, with whom she escaped from their convent in sixteenth-century Saxony.
A. W. Pink (40 pp. Softback, £2.00)
Letters written by A. W. Pink to Robert Harbach, minister in the Reformed Episcopal Church and the Protestant Reformed Churches.
Wilbur Bruinsma (189 pp. Hardback)
The practical outworking of the doctrine of God’s covenant in our lives.
Steven Key (240 pp. Hardback)
Practical instruction on topics such as right communication within marriage and in the church, the biblical roles of husband and of wife, and the calling to walk in the Spirit.
David Engelsma & Herman Hanko (140 pp. Tapa blanda)
Una profunda exposición de los Cinco Puntos del Calvinismo, humillando nuestro orgullo y evocando nuestra alabanza. Se completa con un fascinante capítulo introductorio sobre “La historia del calvinismo.”