Showing all 5 results
Jerome Zanchius (126 pp. Softback)
Clear and compelling arguments by an Italian Reformer on election and reprobation, and why predestination must be preached.
John Calvin (330 pp. Hardback)
Calvin’s Calvinism, consisting chiefly of God’s Eternal Predestination and Secret Providence, is, as the Genevan Reformer himself states, his fullest presentation of the absolute sovereignty of God—going beyond even its treatment in his Institutes.
John Calvin (317 pp. Hardback)
Sermons on God’s unconditional election of Jacob and reprobation of Esau (Gen. 25-27). Originally preached in 1559.
A. W. Pink (269 pp. Softback)
Probably Pink’s greatest work —in the Baker edition, which includes all the vital material omitted by the Banner of Truth version.