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Christ’s Intercession


Belgic Confession Class, Vol XVII, Art. 26

6 classes plus a bonus disk on 7 CDs

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Belgic Confession Class, Vol XVII, Art. 26

6 classes plus a bonus disk on 7 CDs

For whom does Christ pray? Does he intercede against other people? What does He pray for us? Does He bow down on His knees in prayer for us? How does Christ’s intercession compare with and relate to the Holy Spirit’s intercession? How is all this of immense comfort to us?

(1) Introducing Christ’s Intercession (Heb. 7:17-28)
(2) Answering Rome’s Mistrust of Christ’s Intercession (Acts 14:1-18)
(3) The Character and Extent of Christ’s Intercession (John 11:32-46)
(4) More on the Extent of Christ’s Prayers (Ps. 22:1-21)
(5) The Content of Christ’s Intercession for Us (John 17:11-26)
(6) Christ’s Intercession: Errors and Mode (Heb. 12:18-29)
Bonus Disk: The Intercession of the Spirit (Rom. 8:26-27)

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