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Church Offices and Government


Belgic Confession 30 (Vol. XXII)

6 classes on 6 CDs

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Belgic Confession 30 (Vol. XXII)

6 classes on 6 CDs

Church offices and church government are issues that are often neglected in our day as if they were irrelevant and dull. But this is to the great loss of the believing church member and to the dishonour of Christ, the church’s glorious head, for worldly ideas and practice regarding church leadership then fill the vacuum!

The first three classes in this box set refute Charismaticism, Anabaptism and Episcopalianism by insisting on only and all the three permanent, ordinary and biblical church offices: pastor, elder and deacon. The next three audios consider church office-bearers in connection with the Spirit of Christ, good order and decency, and broader assemblies, with the last class treating the great Jerusalem Assembly in Acts 15.

(1) Methodology and Apostles Today? (Eph. 4:1-12)
(2) Brethrenism’s “One-Man Ministry” Charge (Eph. 4:11-16)
(3) Episcopalianism and Man-Made Church Offices (Acts 20:17-38)
(4) Church Government and the Spirit of Christ (I Tim. 3)
(5) Elders and Good Order (Acts 20:17-38)
(6) Broader Ecclesiastical Assemblies (Acts 15:1-32)

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