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Definitive Sanctification and Its Anthropology


Belgic Confession Class, Vol. XIV, Art. 24

12 classes on 12 CDs

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Belgic Confession Class, Vol. XIV, Art. 24

12 classes on 12 CDs

What is sanctification? When and how did this divine work begin in us?
How does sanctification change us? How does it affect the use of our
bodies and its members? What about Romans 7:14-25?

(1) The Importance of Sanctification (Luke 1:67-79)
(2) Justification and Sanctification Compared and Contrasted (John 8:1-11)
(3) The Beginning of Sanctification (Eph. 2:1-10)
(4) Our Death to Sin (Rom. 6)
(5) Definitive Sanctification (Eph. 1)
(6) The Anthropology of Definitive Sanctification (Eph. 4:17-24)
(7) Sanctification and the Body (I Cor. 6:9-20)
(8) Sanctification and the Body and Its Members (I Thess. 3:12-4:12)
(9) Sanctification and the Bodily Members (James 3:1-4:11)
(10) Sanctification in Romans 7:14-25 (1) (Rom. 7:14-25)
(11) Sanctification in Romans 7:14-25 (2) (Rom. 7:14-25)
(12) Sanctification in Romans 7:14-25 (3) (Rom. 7:14-25)

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