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Eschatological Signs in Creation; Wars, False Christs and Persecution


Belgic Confession 37 (Vol. XLII)
10 Classes on 10 CDs

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10 classes on Belgic Confession 37 (Vol. XLII) on CD in an attractive box set

These 10 classes on the end times treat 9 signs of Christ’s return, involving the earthly and heavenly creations, wars between nations and pseudo-Christs, with a special focus on the often omitted subject of persecution!

(1) Famines, Pestilences, Earthquakes and Birth Pangs (Matt. 24:1-14)
(2) Birth Pangs, the Book of Revelation and Earthquakes (II Pet. 3)
(3) The Eschatological Signs in the Heavens (Luke 21:7-28)
(4) Wars and Rumours of Wars (Rev. 6)
(5) False Christs (Matt. 24:3-8, 23-31)
(6) Various Signs and Persecutions (Mark 13:1-20)
(7) Ungodly Motivations for Persecution (I Thess. 2)
(8) Forms of Persecution (Heb. 11:32-40)
(9) Modern Persecution (Rev. 13:1-10)
(10) Painful Effects of Persecution (Matt. 24:1-14)

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