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Faith and the Meaning of Justification


Belgic Confession Class, Vol. XII: Article 22-23

6 classes on 6 CDs

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Belgic Confession Class, Vol. XII: Article 22-23

6 classes on 6 CDs

What is faith? Where does it come from? What is faith’s role in justification?
What do the New Perspective on Paul and Roman Catholicism teach regarding
the meaning of justification? Over against their views, what does the Bible say?

Listen to these 6 CDs to learn the scriptural and Reformed truth
concerning faith and justification!

(Art. 22) Faith in Jesus Christ 
(1) The Meaning and Activity of Faith
(2) The Source of Faith
(3) Faith Itself Does Not Justify

(Art. 23) Justification
(1) The Meaning of Justification: the New Perspective on Paul
(2) The Meaning of Justification: Roman Catholicism
(3) The Meaning of Justification: Scripture

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