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Jerusalem and Antioch


8 sermons on CD or DVD

8 sermons on CD or DVD

Don Doezema: “This marked for the church the beginning of a new and important phase in its carrying out of the mandate given by Christ before His ascension, namely, that the gospel be preached to the ends of the earth. It is true that Christianity, especially as a result of the persecution that scattered the Christians from Jerusalem, had already spread
beyond the limits of Palestine; but, as Jamieson wrote, ‘still the Church continued a stranger to formal missionary effort …. It was from Antioch that teachers were first sent forth with the definite purpose of spreading Christianity, and organizing churches’” (Upon This Rock, vol. 3, p. 174)

(1) Antioch, Jerusalem’s Daughter Church (Acts 11:19-24)
(2) Antioch & Jerusalem: Their Mutually Beneficial Relationship (Acts 11:25-30)
(3) The Different Callings of the Two Churches (Acts 12:1-13:4)
(4) Antioch Sends Out Missionaries (Acts 13:1-3)
(5) The Work of Antioch’s Missionaries (I) (Acts 13-14)
(6) The Work of Antioch’s Missionaries (II) (Acts 13-14)
(7) The Jerusalem Assembly (Acts 15:1-35)
(8) The Two Churches’ Cooperation in Missions (Acts 15:35-16:5)

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