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Office-Bearers: Qualifications, Election, Ordination and Equality


Belgic Confession 31 (Vol. XXIII)

6 classes on 6 CDs

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Belgic Confession 31 (Vol. XXIII)

6 classes on 6 CDs

These doctrine classes discuss the qualifications, election, ordination and equality of office-bearers. Some seek church office with motives and in ways that are sinful. Some who are not appointed are jealous of those who are and so grumble at them and their work! Scriptural and Reformed teaching on an important, oft-neglected and very practical subject!

(1) The Election of Church Office-Bearers (Acts 6)
(2) Seeking Church Office: Sinful Motives and Ways (Acts 8:5-25)
(3) The Qualifications for Church Office-Bearers (I Tim. 3)
(4) Ordination and the Laying on of Hands (I Tim. 4)
(5) Equality Among Office-Bearers (I Cor. 1:10-17)
(6) Murmuring, Strife and Contention Against Office-Bearers (Num. 16:1-15)

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