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The Word


10 sermons on John 1:1-18 on CD or DVD

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10 sermons on John 1:1-18 on CD or DVD

John’s prologue (John 1:1-18), a profound passage of sacred Scripture, is foundational not only for the rest of the fourth gospel but also for understanding our Lord Jesus (the incarnate Word) and His saving work! Listen to or watch this new 10-sermon series and find out why.

(1) The Eternal Word (John 1:1-3)
(2) The Creator Word (John 1:4-5)
(3) John and the Word (John 1:6-8)
(4) The Word and the World (John 1:9-10)
(5) The Word and His Own (John 1:11)
(6) The Word and His Children (John 1:12-13)
(7) The Incarnate Word (I) (John 1:14a)
(8) The Incarnate Word (II) (John 1:14b)
(9) The Pre-Eminence of the Word (John 1:15-17)
(10) The Word Who Reveals God (John 1:18)

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