A compelling commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism produced in an attractive 10-volume set. The author, being a strong preacher of God’s sovereign grace in Jesus Christ and unconditional covenant of friendship, expounds the doctrines of Scripture in a warm and personal way so that the child of God who meditates upon these pages sees more and more how these glorious truths are, indeed, his “only comfort in life and death.”
“Thank you very much for the books! Herman Hoeksema´s interpretation of Heidelberg Catechism arrived safely and I´m so excited about it! Why? Because tomorrow I will start teaching the Heidelberger to the adult members of my church for the first time in my life! I believe that God gives me mighty helper for this teaching in Hoeksema!” – Czech Republic
“Yesterday evening I started reading In the Midst of Death. What lovely and vital teaching that ‘only when we contemplate the evil as a means to the end of the great good do we have full and perfect comfort’ (p. 19).” – England
A superb theological exposition of articles 22-37 of the Belgic Confession (1561), a great Reformation creed, penned by a pastor later martyred for his faithful witness.
The Triple Knowledge Set (10 Volumes)
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A compelling commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism produced in an attractive 10-volume set. The author, being a strong preacher of God’s sovereign grace in Jesus Christ and unconditional covenant of friendship, expounds the doctrines of Scripture in a warm and personal way so that the child of God who meditates upon these pages sees more and more how these glorious truths are, indeed, his “only comfort in life and death.”
“Thank you very much for the books! Herman Hoeksema´s interpretation of Heidelberg Catechism arrived safely and I´m so excited about it! Why? Because tomorrow I will start teaching the Heidelberger to the adult members of my church for the first time in my life! I believe that God gives me mighty helper for this teaching in Hoeksema!” – Czech Republic
“Yesterday evening I started reading In the Midst of Death. What lovely and vital teaching that ‘only when we contemplate the evil as a means to the end of the great good do we have full and perfect comfort’ (p. 19).” – England
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