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The Unspeakable Gift


Gerrit Vos   (375 pp. Hardback)

Fifty-four meditations on the birth, death and resurrection of Christ.

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This second volume of meditations from the hand of Rev. Gerrit Vos, describing to us the sufferings and glory of our Lord, gives another evidence of his remarkable ability to make language live and make words speak to us.  We are carried along with him, so that we share his delights, his blessings and comforts that he draws from the Scriptures.  Those who knew him well recognized his unique character and the peculiar gifts God had entrusted to him.  It was often said, “There is but one Rev. Vos.”  He could be jolly, but also deeply serious.  He could rise to heights of enthusiasm and zeal, but he could also descend to depths of sorrow and pathos.  He could rejoice with those who rejoiced and weep with those who wept.  He lived a full and rich life in the ministry of the Word, thought much of his Christine and also of his children, but no less of the church and the cause of God’s kingdom.  Those of you who never knew him can still share with him in his meditations the riches of God’s grace as revealed to us through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Unspeakable Gift [that I ordered] was a present for somebody but could you send me another copy for myself? I just love the meditations of Vos.” – Lancashire, England

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