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We and Our Children


Herman Hanko   (165 pp. Softback)

Relates the covenant and infant baptism, because “we” and “our children” both belong to God’s covenant of grace.

Although baptism is the main thought of all the author writes, this is also a book about the elect people of God, the Christian church in all ages. It is also about their children—hence, We and Our Children. In Reformed, Presbyterian and Paedobaptist circles, the two are—or should be—inseparably connected. In Baptistic circles, no such connection exists. The author shows that the connection is provided by the doctrine of God’s gracious covenant, a truth which counters any idea of a division between the Old and the New Testaments, and which runs like a golden thread through all the pages of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation.

To state it slightly differently, “we” (the elect people of God) and “our children” are and should be inseparably bonded because they both belong to the covenant of grace. Many Baptists deny this beautiful truth when they refuse to baptize their children. Using Scripture as his infallible guide, Prof. Hanko develops the truth of God’s covenant as it relates to the baptism of the infants of believers.

“Read this book carefully, read it thoughtfully, read it prayerfully, and you will find it a mine of information, a river of pleasure, and a source of immense spiritual comfort.” — Mr. Tony Horne, deputation speaker for the Trinitarian Bible Society in Scotland

“I read We and Our Children this week—an antidote to the lack of a consistent doctrine of infant baptism that, I think, abounds in Presbyterian circles in Ireland.” – Co. Antrim

This book was reviewed by Prof. Dykstra in the Protestant Reformed Journal.  Click here to read this review.

To read chapters of this book in Portuguese, “The Reformed Baptist Argument Concerning the Lord’s Supper,”  “Two Dispensations” and “Male Circumcision” click here.

To read chapters of this book in Italian, click here.

To watch the video of the author interview concerning this book, click here.


Hanko, Herman

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