(1) Upcoming Schedule
March 2025
2 March – “Not Weary in Well-Doing” (Gal. 6:9) – Rev. C. Haak
9 March – “The True Christian Life” (II Tim. 4:7-8) – Rev. C. Haak
16 March – “Spiritual Lethargy” (Song 5:1-8) – Rev. C. Haak
23 March – “Grace for Today” (Matt. 6:34) – Rev. C. Haak
30 March – “Freedom” (Rom. 8:2)- Rev. C. Haak
April 2025
6 April – “The Suffering of the Cross” (Isa. 53) – Rev. C. Haak
13 April – “The Power of the Cross” (Rom. 8:1) – Rev. C. Haak
20 April – “The Power of Christ’s Resurrection” (I Cor. 15:3-4) – Rev. C. Haak
27 April – “The Resurrection of the Body” (I Cor. 15:35-38) – Rev. C. Haak
To listen online to the Reformed Witness Hour programmes, click here!
For more information on the Reformed Witness Hour, go to their website.
The Reformed Witness Hour is broadcasted on Sunday mornings (8:30-9:00AM) on Radio North/Gospel 846 AM or MW and reaches much of Ulster.
(2) New Christian Radio Broadcast Comes to N. Ireland
For over 60 years the Reformed Witness Hour (RWH) has been proclaiming the gospel on the world’s airwaves. Now, for the first time, it can be heard in most parts of N. Ireland and there are even people in SW Scotland who are tuning in. The programmes are broadcasted by Radio North/Gospel 846 AM or MW from their station outside Muff in Co. Donegal, just to the west of the city of Londonderry.
The Reformed Witness Hour exists to proclaim the truth about the Triune God: “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things; to whom be glory for ever. Amen” (Romans 11:36). Speaking on the very first broadcast of the Reformed Witness Hour in 1941, Rev. Herman Hoeksema declared, “The supreme task of the church is to preach the Word of God. But if there is a Word of God to be proclaimed by the church, it must needs be a Word which God Himself speaks, and which He speaks concerning Himself. And if God speaks concerning Himself, the basic and all-pervading note of that speech must inevitably be: I am God! Unless the church proclaims this truth in all its implications, in all its purity and without compromise, she cannot preach, she has nothing to say. God is God!” The current radio pastor, Rev. Carl Haak from Grand Rapids, Michigan, is faithful to this central truth of the biblical and Reformed faith.
Today, sadly the majority of “Christian” broadcasts are about man and his experiences, which are all too often of the Charismatic variety. Thus the Reformed Witness Hour comes as a breath of fresh air, for it is not afraid to preach the clear Biblical truth that “God is God!” Recent programmes have included “The Blessings of a Godly Marriage,” “The Infallibility of Holy Scripture” and “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.” One lady listener in N. Ireland stated that the Reformed Witness Hour is the best Christian broadcast that she has heard.
The programmes are aired each Sunday morning from 8:30-9:00AM on Radio North/Gospel 846 AM or MW. They can be picked up by radio at home or in your car, and are a good way to begin the Lord’s Day. The Reformed Witness Hour is sponsored by the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Ballymena.
(3) Comments
“I was delighted to see in the Evangelical Times the article about the broadcasts you have been sponsoring. We have been listening to them each Lord’s Day and are finding them a great source of blessing and encouragement. It is indeed refreshing to hear such God-centred, Biblical preaching, and we pray that the Lord would use these broadcasts to glorify His Name. Please find enclosed a small donation to help with this ministry (or wherever most needed).” – N. Ireland
“We really enjoy ‘The Reformed Witness Hour’ programme each Sunday morning. It is a pleasure to hear the Gospel spoken in all its glory. This programme … [is] required listening in our house!” – Co. Londonderry, N. Ireland
“I listen to the time slot given to the Reformed Witness Hour and I have just heard the message from Romans 13:13-14, ‘Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.’ Could I have a tape or CD of this message and what is the cost? Thank you.” – Randalstown, N. Ireland
“I’d be most grateful if you’d send to [me] a tape of the broadcast on Romans 13:13-14 which was much appreciated, particularly as it was based on the AV of the Bible.” – Belfast, N. Ireland
“We make a point of listening to the Reformed Witness Hour programme each week, it certainly enriches our life!” – Londonderry, N. Ireland
“We very much enjoy the Reformed Witness Hour each weekend on [the] radio” – Portrush, N. Ireland
“I have been listening to your Reformed Witness Hour programme every Sunday morning on Radio North for over a year and am always blessed by the solid and uncompromising Bible teaching of your American pastors. This is sadly missing from so many of our churches and other places of worship … I will continue to remember your local assembly and the ones in the US in prayer and may the Lord bless you all.” – Newtownabbey, N. Ireland
“Thank you for your radio broadcast in Northern Ireland.” – Co. Down, N. Ireland