I. To Execute Vengeance on His Enemies II. To Be Admired by His Saints
I. The Ascension and Christ II. The Ascension and the Spirit III. The Ascension and Us
I. Imputed Righteousness! II. New Life! III. Blessed Resurrection!
I. With Regard to His Heavenly Father II. With Regard to Our Earthly Life III. With Regard to Our Heavenly Life
I. Terrible Sufferings II. Redemptive Sufferings III. Instructive Sufferings
I. The Means II. The Result III. The Truth
I. The Initial Claims II. The Subsequent Elaboration III. The Implied Calling
I. Predicted II. Equipped III. Ruling
I. His Fulness II. Our Life III. No Supplements
I. The Setting II. The Charges III. The Sentence