Bible Text: Isaiah 61 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: God the Son, Lord's Day 12 I. The Anointed One II. His Three-Fold Office
I. The Anointed One II. His Three-Fold Office
I. Our Saviour From Sin II. Our Complete Saviour III. Our Only Saviour
I. The Meaning II. The Victory III. The Significance
I. The Event II. The Worldview III. The Significance
I. The Sure Pledge II. The Blessed Pattern
I. The History II. The Apologetic III. The Comfort
I. The Requisite Sufferer II. The Appropriate Sufferings III. The Substitutionary Sufferings
I. Its Nature II. Its Place
I. Its Height II. Its Breadth III. Its Depth