I. The Meaning II. The Preservation
I. The Idea of Jesus' Names II. The Meaning of Jesus' Four Names III. The Significance of Jesus' Four Names
I. Our Heavenly Head II. Our Righteous Ruler III. Our Gracious Benefactor
I. The Explanation II. The Advantage
I. The Meaning II. The Lessons
I. Its Meaning II. Its Beneficiaries III. Its Source
I. The Profound Meaning II. The Blessed Result
I. The Profound Meaning of It II. The Great Profit of It
Bible Text: John 1:1-18 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: God the Son, Lord's Day 13 I. The Meaning II. The Significance
I. Dreadful Sufferings II. Vicarious Sufferings III. Efficacious Sufferings