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20 June 2023

(3) Opposition From Without

Passage: Nehemiah 4
Service Type:

Scripture reading: Nehemiah 4 Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) of Singapore, 2023 Church Camp in Pulai Springs, Johor, Malaysia (Tuesday evening, 20 June, 2023)
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS after Speech 3: Opposition From Without
1. Do you have “a mind [or heart] to work” on building the church’s walls (Neh. 4:6)? Why or why not? How is this camp helping you in this regard?
2. At what point did external opposition to the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls first appear? What verse in Nehemiah refers to this?

“The reproaches of enemies should rather quicken us to our duty than drive us from it.” (Matthew Henry)
3. Is this statement true or false?
4. Did the enemies’ reproaches have this good effect in Nehemiah 4:1-6?
5. Do the enemies’ reproaches have this good effect on you? Why or why not?

6. Which four peoples together surrounded the Jews on all four sides in Nehemiah 4?
7. List other specific external enemies that are mentioned in the Old Testament Scriptures.
8. List specific external enemies that are mentioned in the New Testament Scriptures.
9. In ancient or modern church history, what are some of the false doctrines that entered formerly sound churches from without and led to their apostasy? Name specific churches and the respective heresies that breached their walls.
10. What are the false doctrines and wicked practices that the church today must especially guard against?
11. What opposition has your church faced from without?
12. Has this external opposition been more from the false (or apostatizing) churches or the world? Discuss.
13. How is the prayer “build thou the walls of Jerusalem” in Psalm 51:18 related to the rest of this famous potential psalm, in which David confesses his sins of adultery and murder?

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