I. The New Appointments II. The Old Genealogy III. The Important Lessons
I. The Calling II. The Love III. The Goal
I. The Church II. The Sending III. The Work
Scripture reading: Nehemiah 5 Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) of Singapore, 2023 Church Camp in Pulai Springs, Johor, Malaysia (Wednesday morning, 21 June, 2023) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS after Speech 4: Opposition…
Scripture reading: Nehemiah 4 Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) of Singapore, 2023 Church Camp in Pulai Springs, Johor, Malaysia (Tuesday evening, 20 June, 2023) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS after Speech 3: Opposition…
Scripture reading: Nehemiah 3 Maps or diagrams referred to in this speech: 1) https://visualunit.files.wordpress.co... 2) https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/8131... Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC) of Singapore, 2023 Church Camp in Pulai Springs, Johor,…
Come, Let Us Build the Walls! (1): The Idea of the Church's Walls by Rev. Angus Stewart Scripture reading: Nehemiah 1:1-3; 2:11-18 Maps or diagrams referred to in this speech:…
I. The Sent Preacher II. The Spirit’s Work III. The One People
I. The Genuine Turning II. The Patient Waiting III. The Joyful Service
I. The False Prophets II. The Finished Walls III. The Fifth Column