I. The Cruel Game II. The Tragic Pursuit III. The Agreed Cessation
I. The Divine Anointing II. The Winsome Message III. The Powerful Opposition
I. The Execution II. The Lamentation
I. The Nature of the Scriptures II. The Test of True Prophecy II. The Judgment of False Prophecy
I. What It Must Not Rest Upon II. What It Must Rest Upon
I. The Meaning II. The Calling
I. The Meaning II. The Means III. The Implications
I. What the Traditions Are II. What It Means to Hold Them III. Why We Must Hold Them
Bible Text: John 6 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: Lord's Day 28 I. The Meaning of It II. The Results of It III. The Responses to It