Bible Text: John 6 | Preacher: Rev. Angus Stewart | Series: Lord's Day 28 I. The Meaning of It II. The Results of It III. The Responses to It
I. The Meaning II. The Manner III. The Marvel
I. The Occasion for This Statement II. The Meaning of This Statement III. The Implications of This Statement
I. The Meaning of It II. The Profit of It III. The Goal of It
I. An Emphatic Negation II. A Clear Affirmation III. A Present Calling
I. The Scripture II. The Twisting III. The Destruction
I. The Sure Word of Christ's Transfiguration II. The More Sure Word of the Scriptures III. Taking Heed to This More Sure Word
I. Elijah's Preparation II. Elijah's Translation III. Elisha's Succession
I. Seeking Baalzebub II. Seeking to Capture Elijah III. Defying God's Word
I. The Bold Confrontation II. The Terrible Judgment III. The External Repentance