I. The Identity of Ephraim II. The Nature of Conversion III. The Sovereignty of Conversion
I. Elect, Redeemed and Regenerated II. A Good Work and a Good Worker III. Continually Renewed in God’s Image
I. The Biblical Way II. The Needed Truth III. The Divine Authority
I. The Change in the Elements II. The Change in the Believer
I. Embracing II. Assimilating III. Living
I. Truly Sorrowful for Sins II. Firmly Trusting in Christ III. Earnestly Desirous of Growth
I. Institution II. Meaning III. Discipleship
I. The Promise for Households II. The Baptism of Households
I. What They Are II. What They Do
I. The Rich Meaning II. The Certain Fruits III. The Commanded Works